liteweight text editor: x2

From: sinkywinky20 Jan 2014 15:08
To: ANT_THOMAS 10 of 12
Far too easy to use.  Vim 4 iife

From: af (CAER)20 Jan 2014 17:08
To: sinkywinky 11 of 12
iVim isn't that hard once you get used to its weirdness<esc>bcwunique modal ways<esc>:w
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)20 Jan 2014 17:13
To: af (CAER) 12 of 12
local. far easier to read and edit config files than (ugh) vim over ssh. This is on a local development server instance. I wouldn't run a gui on a remote, though I would use nano rather than vim or, if doing extensive edits, edit locally and scp up.