
From: Radio29 Apr 2010 10:59
To: ALL1 of 38
I can't believe that no-one has mentioned this before now?
Anyways, it seems that his stint as PM is now pretty much over. Before, he had a small chance of persuading the liberals to back him in some sort of alliance, but given he was already likely to be third, this row will just consolidate that position.
Brown: Everything. She’s just this sort of bigoted woman who said she used to be a Labour voter. Ridiculous.
And my favourite bit, was later on when the woman is seemingly completely oblivious to the fact that she's on live TV:
GD: No. They’re that much locked up there. [Takes phone call] Excuse me. Hello?
Reporter 1: I think you’re still live on television at the moment, but you can talk to two audiences at once if you like. Mrs Duffy obviously taking a call, perhaps somebody’s seeing her on television at the moment.
Reporter 2: Mrs Duffy, is that somebody calling to tell you you’re live on Sky News?
GD: No, it’s Lucy or someone.
From: ANT_THOMAS29 Apr 2010 12:26
To: Radio 2 of 38
I think it's a shame, he should be able to say what he wants about people without it being broadcast, pesky microphone.
From: DrBoff (BOFF)29 Apr 2010 12:41
To: ANT_THOMAS 3 of 38
It always amazes me that the press can create something out of stuff like this and people actually get shocked by it. I mean, do they really think politicians meet the great unwashed and then get into the and say "Gosh he/she was jolly nice! If only there were more people like them!"
From: graphitone29 Apr 2010 12:49
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 4 of 38
I think what most people are taking an exception to is that he did the (almost prerequisite) preemptory platitudes then two seconds later started on the offensive. It gives an insight into the private thoughts of a man who's public profile should be removed from his private life, however it's a fascinating thing when you see what people really think, which is why the press have been whoring the story.
From: Oscarvarium (OZGUR)29 Apr 2010 12:56
To: ALL5 of 38
But where are all these Eastern Europeans coming from? That's what every voter in the country wants to know. :((
From: DrBoff (BOFF)29 Apr 2010 12:56
To: graphitone 6 of 38
But there is no way in HELL that this doesn't happen every day, every time some politico meets the proles. Admittedly I'd prefer they called dicks dicks to their face, but I am in no way shocked that that's what they think.
From: johngti_mk-ii29 Apr 2010 13:09
To: graphitone 7 of 38

I don't care what he says in private. I know the sort of conversations I have with colleagues about kids/parents that I get frustrated with - I'm just glad we don't have to wear microphones!


What has annoyed me is the way this woman was hounded by the press - that seems wrong. Brown is fair game, as are the others, but if it were my mum being chased down the street by a bunch of journalists doing the old "oo-er, do you know what he just called you?" juvenile bullshit in order to make a story, I'd be on to the press complaints people. Bigot or not, she doesn't deserve that.

From: graphitone29 Apr 2010 13:22
To: johngti_mk-ii 8 of 38

Yep, everyone does it, the amount of bitching that goes on behind people's back's at the place where I work... and most of it comes from the HR manager!
It's just that it's happened to be a highly sought after press target in this case, at a time when he could really be doing without the negative attention.


I'm looking forward to the debate tonight.

From: graphitone29 Apr 2010 13:24
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 9 of 38
It seems Brown can't do much right at the moment - he got lambasted in the press for apologising too. Though putting it down to a mis-understanding while grinning innanely for the cameras was a bit much.
From: Manthorp29 Apr 2010 13:26
To: johngti_mk-ii 10 of 38
She probably is bigoted, but she's not standing for Prime Minister. Brown, however, has demonstrated that he's:

  • inept (he didn't take off the microphone and didn't - as Blair used to - have a Labour apparatchik manning the audio desk)
  • has poor political judgement (actually, the original interview went pretty well as a Labour soundbite; it certainly wasn't 'a disaster')
  • hypocritical (not because he said what he did - everybody says things behind people's backs, and politicians probably have more reason to than most - but because he didn't stand by his comments when caught, but went back & apologised to her)

Great phat phail.

Incidentally, did you read John Prescott's ludicrous attempt to blame everything on Sky. Fat tit.
EDITED: 29 Apr 2010 13:29 by MANTHORP
From: patch29 Apr 2010 13:40
To: Manthorp 11 of 38
I'm not too sure about the hypocritical bit. I've cursed and sworn about someone I've just been having a "discussion" with that didn't necessarily go too well. But once that bit of anger and tension was out of my system, I've rarely actually meant what I've said, and if the subject of my stress had heard me I'd have happily and sincerely apologised.
From: Mouse29 Apr 2010 13:49
To: Manthorp 12 of 38
However Rupert Murdoch's a bonkers dinosaur who will surely need to be put in some kind of home soon ->
From: johngti_mk-ii29 Apr 2010 14:09
To: Manthorp 13 of 38

I don't agree with the hypocritical bit. When you read what he said to her, he did actually challenge her then and there and I would hope that he would apologise to her for the upset. I agree that his judgement of how it went was poor. And the problem with the inept point (true as it is!) is that if he had someone monitoring the desk, he'd be criticised for being too heavy handed and controlling.


I still maintain that the journos who pretty much sprinted down the street after this poor, bigoted woman should be bloody well ashamed of themselves for the way they behaved - the video of her being interviewed after the gaff came to light is completely shameful.

From: johngti_mk-ii29 Apr 2010 14:12
To: Manthorp 14 of 38
And finally, although I wouldn't for a second credit Sky news with the intelligence to do something like this deliberately, there really can be no doubt as to their (i.e. Rupert Murdoch's) political allegiance can there?
From: Radio29 Apr 2010 14:40
To: johngti_mk-ii 15 of 38
What has annoyed me is the way this woman was hounded by the press
That's the press for you - apparently in the afternoon she had 40-50 journalists and support staff camped on her front lawn, and that's probably a low estimate.
It'll be interesting to see how its handled tonight - some have mentioned that it won't be referenced by the other leaders in an attempt to not be overly negative, and that instead it'll be the elephant in the room
From: patch29 Apr 2010 15:01
To: Manthorp 16 of 38
It seems you were more right than you might have expected with your "inept" judgement:

1321: Gordon Brown does not seem to have learned enough from the unplanned broadcast of his comments about Gillian Duffy, the BBC's Carole Walker says. He failed to take his radio microphone off again after a brief walkabout in Manchester at the end of a day dominated by his unguarded comments. This time the camera crew stopped him to remove it before he said much more.
From: Dave!!29 Apr 2010 15:44
To: Radio 17 of 38

I feel sorry for him. These were comments that he intended to make quietly in private and which got accidentally broadcast. Plenty of times at work I've uttered impolite things when the phone has rang whilst I'm in the middle of something, only to pick the phone up and behave pleasantly to the person on the other end.


Everyone behaves differently in private compared with publicly when you're having to deal with people all the time.


Labour aren't getting my vote mind you, but that's because of my MP's support for the Mandybill and has nothing to do with this gaffe. Of course, Brown is a tit for saying something like this whilst having a microphone strapped to him, but there you go!

EDITED: 29 Apr 2010 15:47 by DAVE!!
From: Radio29 Apr 2010 16:15
To: Dave!! 18 of 38

"Everyone" isn't trying to get the people that they're talking to, to vote for them though.


I do feel sorry for him, and it has been blown out of proportion (which was inevitable), but that doesn't mean it was alright.

From: Lucy (X3N0PH0N)29 Apr 2010 19:59
To: Radio 19 of 38
When I first heard of this I assumed it was done on purpose. I'm pretty sure that calling a bigot a bigot would appeal to the sort of people who are leaking from labour to the lib dems. Having heard it it sounds like (which doesn't mean it is) a genuine mistake. But they're polling up today so it's certainly done no harm.

I'd certainly consider switching back based on it if there weren't concrete things preventing me (iraq, mandybill etc.).
From: Bryan (TWISTER)29 Apr 2010 20:34
To: Radio 20 of 38

There was an interview on local radio (BRMB) with PR bloke Max Clifford earlier today about this.


Max Clifford said that by the end of next week she could have earned £250k from this by selling her story to the papers.


Gordon Brown can insult me all he likes in public if I could get that!!!