Music Services

From: Mikee11 Apr 2010 16:53
To: ALL1 of 3

Does anyone know of any music services similar to spotify?


There's an app on android called imusic which seems to be connecting to some service which gives them millions of mp3s, but I haven't a clue what they might be using.


Any ideas? :/

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)11 Apr 2010 17:07
To: Mikee 2 of 3
Check the ones mentioned in the See Also section of the Spotify Wikipedia article?

Depending on how many and how similar you want, you can also check the pages for each of those - some have their own "See Also"/"Similar Services" sections, which sometimes mentions others.
From: Mikee11 Apr 2010 17:11
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 3 of 3
Ah good idea.