Labour party political broadcast

From: Sulkpot16 Apr 2007 19:11
To: ALL1 of 5
New Labour party political broadcast (available online, obviously): "If you met Tony Blair, what would you ask him?"

Here's a representative sample, that have been shockingly omitted from the PPB...

  • How do you sleep at night? - Keir H.
  • What colour curtains do you think I should put up in Number Ten? - Gordon B.
  • Ditto - Dave C.
  • Why is my son dead? - Reg K.
  • Can I have my money back? - Mark R.
  • Can I have my policies back? - Margaret T.
  • Why don't you just fuck off? - Everyone
From: ANT_THOMAS17 Apr 2007 00:22
To: Sulkpot 2 of 5
quote: Gordon
Keep the change

The change from what? I seriously doubt he gave her a tenner.
From: Sulkpot19 Apr 2007 04:42
To: ANT_THOMAS 3 of 5
The change from what? I seriously doubt he gave her a tenner.
Aye. Ripe for satirising, that. And about as stagy and false as it's possible to be without having Blair and Gordon hug and kiss on camera. Cringeworthy.

Tour de force from our man Dave on Tuesday, though (linky). Obviously a very selective group of clips, and a strange sort of candid camera feeling, with the camera peeping out at him from behind a rack of greeting cards - and with exactly the same idea behind it as the Labour one. But executed much better: Dave doing some of the answering, and not just inviting questions; at least a mention given to local communities (not just Blair and Brown doing a tour of London in a Hackney cab inviting questions about they do in Westminster); and of course, that excellent piece with the skinhead thug.

I'm in two minds about that, actually. There's a school of thought which says that the BNP are best left unmentioned in mass publicity this close to an election, like, say, an election broadcast.
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From: 388405efit03=1-0 (KABINGER)19 Apr 2007 16:06
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 5 of 5