JonCooper was right

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)14 May 21:56
To: william (WILLIAMA) 8 of 14
There's music that I like. I know what genres and artists I enjoy and all that.

But I'm not *interested* in it, beyond being immediately engaged with it in a moment. There doesn't seem to be anything to talk about with music, as there is with visual art or tv shows or games or whatever. I can be sitting there and, like, I dunno, Minnie Ripperton's Les Fleurs comes into my head. And I'll go oh I love that song and go and listen to it and love it. But then I'm done. Any more music after that rapidly becomes aggravating.

And that's a song I love. Most music I hear is not songs I love and a lot is songs I don't like at all.

And music is fucking *evvverrrrwhere*. More so out in the real world of course. But even in my indoor-life, every game, tv show, movie, podcast. Pretty much any time-based media will have music in it, and 99% of the time I wish it weren't there, it's incongruous and unpleasant.

So what I mean when I say I don't like music is that for the most part, for me, it's detrimental to my experience rather than... posimentral ( :-Y ). 

So, on balance, if I were being selfish, I'd prefer a world where music didn't exist.

(@Milko, I like Run the Jewels!)
EDITED: 14 May 21:57 by X3N0PH0N
From: william (WILLIAMA)14 May 22:33
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 9 of 14
God stole my reply and cast it into the pit. Unless it emerges in another universe. Or possibly I hit a combination of keys which the demon Gates does not allow.

I think music exists as a thing that we either love or hate at a given point in our lives. I think it is a part of how we stand in relation to the expression of musicians. Some of it is pitiful and some of it is transcendent. Being a musician is just another special case of attempting to stand in relation to our fellow humans, like writing, painting, sculpting, whatever. 

Yeah, maybe you don't like music.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)14 May 22:39
To: william (WILLIAMA) 10 of 14
I agree that it is all that. But it rarely feels any of that for me.

I think that's okay though. Some people don't like ballet and that's fine. It's the everywherness of music which makes me feel like I *should* like it more, I think.
EDITED: 14 May 22:40 by X3N0PH0N
From: william (WILLIAMA)15 May 14:54
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 11 of 14
I'm not sure I'd get by without hearing Robert Wyatt singing and playing his way through Moon in June at least once a month.

I still have a concern over what counts as liking music, for instance how often and under what circumstances it should be listened to. 
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)15 May 19:53
To: william (WILLIAMA) 12 of 14
It's the 'on balance, I'd prefer a world without music' that clinches it I think.
From: william (WILLIAMA)15 May 23:32
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 13 of 14
Do you think that you once did like music? Is it a kind of gradually reducing interest/appreciation until now you realise you no longer like it, or do you think you never liked it?

Edit: re-reading some of the posts, including your first, you've answered this in part. the realisation at least was gradual "As the years have yeared, I've realised...".  I suppose what's interesting is why some people might claim that they do enjoy it.

EDITED: 16 May 09:01 by WILLIAMA
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)16 May 10:17
To: william (WILLIAMA) 14 of 14
I used to listen to music more in the past. Though I never listened to it as much or cared about it as much as my peers.

Aaactually, as a young kid I didn't really like music at all. I remember on Saturday morning TV they'd have sections where popular band would play latest song and my friends were often into it and I found it interminably boring. That's not to say I hated *all* music I heard but I hated most, and loved none.

The first time I loved music was when I heard Straight Outta Compton when I was 12 or so. That was the first time when I understood what people felt when they listened to music.

From there I branched out a bit into blues, funk, classical, jazz even country and bluegrass and stuff. And those are still the genres I enjoy from time to time.

So I'd say... yeah, from 13ish to 18ish I liked music more than I do now. And, as you said, it was part of a time in my life, part of growing up and figuring out what I like and don't.

But now I feel more like I did as a young kid. Maybe a new genre will awaken my music-liking again at some point!