Three Strikes

From: william (WILLIAMA)21 Oct 2023 17:13
Quad core, 2.33GHz. I'd have given my right arm for that back when all I had was a 386SX. 
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)21 Oct 2023 19:04
Mint's value is as a way to wean people off Ubuntu/Windows - and as a stepping stone Cinnamon is ok, but I wouldn't run it on a server.

Wonder if there's any places like FreeGeek around here...

From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)22 Oct 2023 13:22
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 8 of 9
Free Geek is awesome! I might volunteer there, and spread my brand of brazen ignorance among the underclasses. Apart from it being a 90-minute commute.

It turns out I probably would have spent less time on configuring a clean install as I have on a 'few, minor tweaks' to mint just so I can get it to serve vnc. Which isn't fait accompli by any means.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)22 Oct 2023 13:33
To: william (WILLIAMA) 9 of 9
The gpu is even worse, it only does the desktop in software rendering, which looks like shit. Not a deal-breaker for a headless server though.

The box is real pretty, and real small, deffo the smallest desktop I've owned.
EDITED: 22 Oct 2023 13:35 by DSMITHHFX