I'm glad I can do it, but I think it's a fairly normal thing, and I wont be impressed until I can do several cleanly on each leg, with my eyes closed.
Also, it still has a fake auto-generated blog http://peter.drunkmenworkhere.org/ - at one point that was high in search rankings for my name, and really confused people who searched me. :D
That information is used to generate a schedule for when articles are posted, with each article's posting time being used as a seed to determine the text for that article.
The text comes via The Dada Engine (which either is or uses a "recursive transition network"), and generates sentences from source material, which includes a database populated by a bot that crawls certain sites (e.g. movie info comes from IMDB).
A week ago I was convinced I had plenty of interesting conversation ideas about a whole range of stuff - until I actually tried and felt like I'd forgotten all the ones that weren't dull.
I could easily go off ranting about systemd, Red Hat, Gnome, Mozilla, etc - but that'd probably be both boring to read and re-living the frustration.
I think I have a not completely rubbish idea for tomorrow though.
I'm hit or miss with whether I'll remember a dream past that initial moment - sometimes I think there's no way I'll forget that, and then the other side of weeing it's already gone, whilst other times I remember fragments/snapshots, though not if/how things transitioned from one scene to another.
I do sometimes get ones where others have been an arsehole; not only are they usually stressful, but it can take an effort to remind myself whoever it was didn't actually do whatever it was.
I don't understand how the brain selects what to dream about.
Last night I had a dream that I'd discovered I had long hair growing from my feet - like several inches of head hair all over - and I didn't want to shave it because the stubble would be painful.
I'm guessing that came at least in part from getting stabbed in the foot yesterday by what was either a splinter or a short piece of hair, and then briefly examining the sole of my foot in case there were more - but why dream about that rather than any number of other trivial/unusual events... unless I did, and that's just one which happened to occur before waking... *shrug*
I've definitely invented locations, but mostly they tend to be corruptions and/or combinations of real places - it's weird when it's somewhere I know well and can imagine with reasonable accuracy in my awake brain, but my sleeping brain renders those memories differently.