It should be possible to make at least one post a day that is worth reading, right?
I mean, this will be my 31807th post here, which averages to 4.3/day, so ... well, if they do suck at least there's not four times as many of them...
Anyway, hopefully they'll be good, but I'm making this thread so that if I can't find something worthwhile, I can at least try contain any nonsense to this thread, where it can be more easily ignored.
Also, if anyone else wants to do the same thing, feel free to share the thread. :)
On the few occasions I've tried in the past, I'd always get half way down and fall over. Today I managed to stand up on one leg, and after a bit of advice and practice I can go from standing to fully squatted then back up to standing again.
Sometimes. I'm still very wobbly, and one leg seems easier than the other, but I can still do something I didn't think I could, so I'm happy, and I can keep practicing to improve strength and balance.
I'm glad I can do it, but I think it's a fairly normal thing, and I wont be impressed until I can do several cleanly on each leg, with my eyes closed.
Also, it still has a fake auto-generated blog - at one point that was high in search rankings for my name, and really confused people who searched me. :D
That information is used to generate a schedule for when articles are posted, with each article's posting time being used as a seed to determine the text for that article.
The text comes via The Dada Engine (which either is or uses a "recursive transition network"), and generates sentences from source material, which includes a database populated by a bot that crawls certain sites (e.g. movie info comes from IMDB).
A week ago I was convinced I had plenty of interesting conversation ideas about a whole range of stuff - until I actually tried and felt like I'd forgotten all the ones that weren't dull.
I could easily go off ranting about systemd, Red Hat, Gnome, Mozilla, etc - but that'd probably be both boring to read and re-living the frustration.
I think I have a not completely rubbish idea for tomorrow though.
I'm hit or miss with whether I'll remember a dream past that initial moment - sometimes I think there's no way I'll forget that, and then the other side of weeing it's already gone, whilst other times I remember fragments/snapshots, though not if/how things transitioned from one scene to another.
I do sometimes get ones where others have been an arsehole; not only are they usually stressful, but it can take an effort to remind myself whoever it was didn't actually do whatever it was.