1 or 2 Bay NAS-medo

From: ANT_THOMAS12 Oct 2020 07:50
To: Dave!! 16 of 41
I'm just chucking in an old 1TB drive I have lying around.
No intention to make this anything more than that unless I have another bigger spare drive at some point in the future.
From: Dave!!13 Oct 2020 07:21
I wasn't aware that they'd backtracked on this. Instead I thought they'd introduced a new line called "Red Pro" which avoids SMR drives. Either way, their normal Red drives are shit for NAS enclosures unless (as you say) you don't plan to use RAID with them.

Another thing incidentally they've been found out for recently is claiming that some drives are 5400rpm when they're actually 7200rpm. They even doctored the firmware to report the slower spindle speed. May not sound like a massive deal, but if you're buying a lot of drives to pack into an enclosure that will be on 24/7, the additional heat output and power drain of the drives may come as an unwelcome surprise.

Anyway, until they stop all this fucking around, I'm avoiding WD drives until they can learn how to tell the truth and market their stuff with some degree of honesty.
From: ANT_THOMAS20 Oct 2020 13:18
To: ALL18 of 41
It hasn't arrived yet but already potentially regretting buying something with only 100mbit ethernet.

Maybe 300mbit on WiFi will be ok
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)20 Oct 2020 18:39
To: ANT_THOMAS 19 of 41
Preload the drive before you stick it in the box?
From: koswix21 Oct 2020 19:01
To: ANT_THOMAS 20 of 41
Shouldn't need any more than that for usb2.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)21 Oct 2020 23:21
To: koswix 21 of 41
From: ANT_THOMAS22 Oct 2020 08:26
To: koswix 22 of 41
From: william (WILLIAMA)22 Oct 2020 13:00
To: ANT_THOMAS 23 of 41
Does it support some sort of ethernet over USB whachumacallit? Or can it be connected directly to your router? It's got USB3.
From: ANT_THOMAS22 Oct 2020 13:11
To: william (WILLIAMA) 24 of 41
Possibly, worth a look. Though think the USB3 may be for connecting it to a computer as an external drive, but to be honest no idea since it's an odd little device.

Good news, it's in the UK at Atherstone RDC, hopefully arrive soon enough.
From: Dave!!22 Oct 2020 16:50
To: ANT_THOMAS 25 of 41
Are you sure it's only 100Mb? I can't see anything that says otherwise, and a YouTube vid that seems to discuss that NAS says it is Gigabit Ethernet.
From: ANT_THOMAS22 Oct 2020 17:04
To: Dave!! 26 of 41
Not sure about anything with this device to be honest!
I will find out when it arrives and I'll give it a thorough review, then probably brick it installing Open-WRT.
From: ANT_THOMAS23 Oct 2020 08:25
To: ALL27 of 41
Been stung for customs. That adds £13.58 to the total (£8 handing fee!!).

Anyone else seen an increase in customs charges lately on stuff from China?

I've had many very expensive items slip through without checks or charges in the past. Lately I've had a couple of relatively cheap things (<£50) get charges added.

Not sure if these Chinese sellers have started declaring things correctly and not as £2 and a gift!
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)23 Oct 2020 10:42
To: ANT_THOMAS 28 of 41
We got a $25 web cam shipped to Ca, no added charge. It did take ~3-months.
From: ANT_THOMAS23 Oct 2020 12:34
To: ALL29 of 41

Interesting. Rather it be a unit without a drive sticking out of the top, but could put it in a box I guess!
From: ANT_THOMAS28 Oct 2020 09:55
To: ALL30 of 41
Well it's arrived, and it's a fairly well built unit.
US power supply though.

One large issue, ethernet doesn't seem to be working :@
Wifi does, but don't want to risk installing openwrt if ethernet is screwed.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)28 Oct 2020 11:09
To: ANT_THOMAS 31 of 41
Same model #, not sure if it's the same device (video shows attempting to connect via mobile app):

From: ANT_THOMAS28 Oct 2020 15:51
To: ALL32 of 41
WiFi was working fine.
Device is now bricked after I tried to install OpenWRT :'D
I'll have to wait until I'm near my soldering iron to attach a serial adapter and sort it out.
EDITED: 28 Oct 2020 15:51 by ANT_THOMAS
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)28 Oct 2020 15:56
To: ANT_THOMAS 33 of 41
Had you got the ethernet working, or did you decide to chance it?
From: ANT_THOMAS28 Oct 2020 17:05
Chanced it. Like the fool I am.
Confident I'll be able to at least return it to the state I got it in though. Maybe. We'll see. Already created a dispute on aliexpress since it wasn't functioning right at the start.
From: ANT_THOMAS31 Oct 2020 14:56
To: ALL35 of 41
Currently trying to get a refund for the device and using it as a USB drive with a RPi 2 as the USB bit seems to run separately from the network side of things.

I've unsurprisingly come to the conclusion that it isn't the 90s and I can't cope with 100mbit transfer speeds.

I think a RPi 4 instead will be what I end up going for. Gigabit network and USB 3. May as well just order one now.