What are we all doing for a living?

From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN)28 Oct 2020 11:56
To: ANT_THOMAS 154 of 183
Basically no work, so that's fun!
From: ANT_THOMAS28 Oct 2020 12:13
To: Monsoir (PILOTDAN) 155 of 183
Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. Any prospect of that changing?
From: DeannaG (CYBATRON)29 Oct 2020 03:13
To: All 156 of 183
I've been working in the telecommunications department at our local hospital since My 22, 2017.

I route incoming calls throughout the hospital, call emergency or situational codes that effect the entire hospital, page doctors.

I also relay messages between doctors, staff, outside entities (such as police), and sometimes patients, and in certain situations call security and/or maintenance for the various hospital departments.

Night shift handles the department's shift paperwork for all the shifts. The other shifts can be too busy to do it. So it falls to third to get it done so all the shifts have everything they need to do their work.

Night shift also handles recording of weekly, monthly, and yearly statistics for the department, and if needed, tidying up around the office.

My second job at the hospital is as a patient companion. This is an As-needed position, or as some would call it, an On-call position. PCs help care for patients by handling non-medical direct assistance for patients in need; such as helping them get a drink, keeping a fall risk patient from getting out of bed. We also offer comfort to a patient who may be confused, such as one who suffers from dementia or a similar illness, or someone who may have suffered an injury that has disoriented them. We visually monitor the patient, and call the nurse if and when needed. These are just a few of things I've done for patients as a PC since taking the job in 2017.
From: milko29 Oct 2020 16:12
To: DeannaG (CYBATRON) 157 of 183
that sounds like some valuable work to be doing, hats off to you!
From: DeannaG (CYBATRON) 7 Nov 2020 06:06
To: milko 158 of 183
Thanks. I do enjoy it most of the time. Every once in a while I have to deal with some rude idiot, but otherwise I like it very much.
From: ANT_THOMAS 7 Nov 2020 20:38
To: milko 159 of 183
I think your point about familiarity breeding complacency is a biggie. I saw that at my office. Plenty of people who have been in most of the time not really sticking to the guidance. Made me feel uncomfortable, resulting in me having an overall feeling of wanting to WFH.
From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN) 9 Nov 2020 19:25
To: ANT_THOMAS 160 of 183
Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. Any prospect of that changing?

Still haven't picked up any "proper" work, but I've had a bit of ad-hoc consultancy. So not on the breadline by any stretch and it's always part of the risk of freelance/contract work.

Got a few plates spinning now though, so hopefully one of them will work out!

Just getting a bit bored of not being able to enjoy ourselves really - had to put the little extension on hold etc.

From: paul16 Nov 2020 10:48
To: ANT_THOMAS 161 of 183
Retired (since Nov 2019).

From: ANT_THOMAS16 Nov 2020 11:23
To: paul 162 of 183
Enjoyed 12 months of retired life so far?
From: pants (CAPT_CARL)23 Nov 2020 14:21
To: ALL163 of 183
Phew, long time without looking in here. Not sure what made me click on the link in the favourites bar today but here we are.
Well for my update, I work in the IT department of North West NHS trust as a Senior Network Engineer. Its been pretty full on since February this year for obvious reasons. On the one hand its quite draining, on the other hand though its been very exciting throwing solutions together to get the workforce able to work from home.
We went from an average of 20 people working on VPN at any one time to well over a 1000 in less than a month, Firewalls needed replacing, internet circuits upgrading and new services rolling out.
I'm fortunate that I'm based on a hospital site but in a seperate building, so day to day I'm well away from the patients.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)23 Nov 2020 16:58
To: pants (CAPT_CARL) 164 of 183
Wow. Puts our 6-7 off site folks in perspective.  :-S
From: gracia (GRACEINC) 2 Dec 2020 14:15
To: ALL165 of 183
Job and trying to build own business
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 2 Dec 2020 14:17
To: gracia (GRACEINC) 166 of 183
It's fairly common for people to do a job for a living.

Would you like to expand on what that job is, and/or what business you're trying to build?

EDITED: 2 Dec 2020 14:20 by BOUGHTONP
From: Al JunioR (53NORTH)13 Mar 2021 14:44
To: ANT_THOMAS 167 of 183
Ich bin ein Janitor.

3 sites at the moment. One on furlough (kerchiing) as a lot of it was the restaurant.
The truck depot is good pay and uncomplex...they have 29/44 drivers still well enough to work. I cycle commute two marathons worth a week, so kept fit through it all.
3rd site I celebrated 10yrs this week and is just an hour an evening... dredging 3k a year.

Spending most of my time at going-postal.com in their Disqus comments...which is a shite platform, and I have pointed them to Beehive.

Good to see so many still alive around.
From: milko15 Mar 2021 15:41
To: ALL168 of 183
Amazing how many old faces this thread picked up, I just went back through it from the start.

How's everybody doing now we are potentially looking at coming out of the pandemic via vaccines saving our bacon?

I'm still at home and sport is still going so it's generally same-old for me. Homeschooling was mostly horrible, a constant hour-to-hour decision needing to be made about whether we compromise our jobs, the boy's education or our happiness and relationship with one another. Hopefully the schools reopening doesn't make for too much of a spike in cases.
From: Manthorp15 Mar 2021 19:45
To: milko 169 of 183
Hey Milko, lovely to hear from you!

For you, keeping people at arms' length must have been no hardship.

Feel free not to read beyond here, because I've had a fucking good Covid.

I had my first AstraZenica vaxx a couple of weeks ago with no discomfort - not even what I felt after my October 'flu jab. Charlie, my youngest is not that far off thirty and schooling other people's kids. I have one lovely grandchild who calls me 'Grampus'. I have invested the shitloads I've saved from home-working on Georgian glass, Edo period Netsuke, strong drink and generic viagra.

Give my undying love to Tina.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)15 Mar 2021 19:52
To: milko 170 of 183
Still waiting on our shots in Ontario (provincial motto: "Let others lead, we follow").

Striving to keep self-abuse to a dull roar, with limited success. Man, it's just so fuckin' fun.

Killed more peggies [FC5] than you can shake a stick at.
From: Manthorp15 Mar 2021 19:56
To: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 171 of 183
I *loved* FC5.5 New Dawn. Second only to 4, for me; so you have a treat waiting in the wings.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)15 Mar 2021 20:33
To: Manthorp 172 of 183
I'm loving the fc5 arcade maps, especially those by AKAFootloose. Maximum enemies, maximum aggression, threats, insults, shouting, screaming, and nonstop bullet storms. Loadouts are a bit limited but mostly pretty cool, with plenty o' reloads scattered about. Pretty amazing landscapes and townscapes too.
From: Manthorp15 Mar 2021 20:57
To: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 173 of 183
The final FC5.5 bossmatch against the twins and their army is a sod. I'm no fan of rock hard challenges generally - I'm along for the ride - but I was proud to have beaten it every time.