Kenneth Hung Godzilla roaring competition

From: Manthorp 4 Jun 2019 21:13
To: ALL1 of 8
That is all.
From: milko 4 Jun 2019 21:45
To: Manthorp 2 of 8
Goodness but they were times. Escapades seemed to happen to me a lot in those days, but this was definitely up with the best. We ended up heckling David Blaine while he dangled from a crane somewhere near London Bridge.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 4 Jun 2019 22:03
To: Manthorp 3 of 8
Did Kenny out-roar Simon?
From: Manthorp 4 Jun 2019 22:05
To: milko 4 of 8
We did some stuff together and left our prints behind, I think.

Mouse & I were remembering a possie night in York (I don't think you were party to that one) during which he broke his leg and none of us believed him. I remember prodding the break for comic effect. I haev teh shame.
From: Manthorp 4 Jun 2019 22:07
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 5 of 8
He triumphed. It might not have been quite "They may take away our lives, but they'll never take our freedom! " But it was full RARRRRR!
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 4 Jun 2019 22:19
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 6 of 8
What would it take to get a re-enactment? :D
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 4 Jun 2019 22:37
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 7 of 8
About 20p.

I still have, and cherish, the trophy. It sits on top of my PC with a zebra screen cleaner and a mini-cutout of Danish black metal/folk singer Myrkur, which I attached to a clockwork Kenny-from-South-Park and march up an down my desk to amuse myself. Wile E Coyote floats above. For now.
From: Manthorp 4 Jun 2019 22:38
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 8 of 8
EDITED: 5 Jun 2019 05:49 by MANTHORP