Music thingummy

From: william (WILLIAMA)29 Apr 2019 11:53
To: william (WILLIAMA) 80 of 168
So now the little beast is up and running (silently), I'm starting the lengthy process of ripping a few hundred CDs to .flac format, oh, and picking a music player. I say a few hundred, but I don't really know how many. It may be 1000 or more. I always assumed that the software choices would be easy, after all there are dozens of rippers capable of churning out FLAC and dozens of media players to choose from. Not so.

The first thing I found is that Windows 10/Explorer/WMP etc. aren't really compatible with FLAC. Yep, you can make WMP play FLAC with the appropriate codec and then Windows and Explorer will recognise them as music files. Problem is that Windows doesn't handle the metadata tags in FLAC properly. It's a bug that's been there for years and MS have no obvious interest in fixing it. Most obvious symptom is that all things Windows will truncate the displayed track/song title to 26 characters. Nor can you correct this by editing in Explorer via the properties dialog as you can with most basic metadata. What you can do is royally screw the existing metadata. Top tip: if you try to correct this with another tag editor then Windows is quite likely to deny that the file has any metadata at all. It's all there. If you use WMP as a ripper then it rips just fine and even downloads and inserts metadata just fine (some of the genre decisions are a bit weird but MS isn't alone in that). Well, I say 'just fine' but that's if you know to turn off autoplay and autorip. Otherwise it has a habit of missing all info for the track it started to play. Oh, and sometimes it ignores your decision not to autoplay and autplays anyway, unless you manually add a registry DWORD just for CDs. Oh, and WMP totally relies on metadata as a player, so that's a bit sad for FLAC. WMP will take a squint at the library it happily ripped, and organise it for you. Only it will miss a few tracks from an album. It will give you odd un-named albums from unknown artists (made up of the missing tracks). And it will sometimes decided not to play a track, but the next one instead. So, all in all, best to stay clear of WMP as a ripper and player if you're interested in using FLAC.

I know that many will say that's an obvious decision even without experimenting. But then there's the fun I've had since with some other highly regarded software...
From: ANT_THOMAS29 Apr 2019 12:33
To: william (WILLIAMA) 81 of 168
You really are taking advantage of all the extra time you have with retired life!
I'd obviously recommend some sort of command line based Linux thing (if I knew of one), but I doubt that really helps you right now.

I've had a quick search and I think I may have used CDex in the past for MP3s. I also remember Exact audio copy being popular.
From: Manthorp29 Apr 2019 12:49
To: william (WILLIAMA) 82 of 168
I always use dbPowerAmp for ripping and VLC for playback.
From: milko29 Apr 2019 12:51
To: william (WILLIAMA) 83 of 168
I've a feeling I did OK with something called Media Monkey last time I wanted to batch a load of music ripping. Something like that, anyway!
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)29 Apr 2019 16:19
To: william (WILLIAMA) 84 of 168
MusicBee does Flac outtadabox. By far and away the best music player I've seen, wish it was on Linux too.
From: william (WILLIAMA)29 Apr 2019 18:03
To: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 85 of 168
I spent nearly a whole day with MusicBee - I felt I owed it to teh forum. It has a devoted following, does loads and loads of stuff and is probably a huge achievement. I'm sure it's great. I didn't like it. I thought it was unintuitive and unnecessarily complicated for even simple steps. The final straw for me was that with a clean hard drive and a single folder with about 150 FLAC files ripped into it, it totally and completely refused to even see them let alone organise and play them as a library of music. This being pretty much my idea of the primary function of a music player, I gave up. 

My aim is to have something really simple that doesn't do a bazillion things. At the moment I'm giving Dopamine a whirl. It's as simple as it gets and just happens to be my favourite so far of the half dozen I've played with.
From: william (WILLIAMA)29 Apr 2019 18:10
To: Manthorp 86 of 168
VLC is great and I wouldn't be without it for some of the naughty things I do to video files etc. But I want something that looks even easier as soon as it fires up so that Mrs WilliamA who is totally non-techy doesn't get put off and can get at her CDs.

I used to use DBPoweramp all the time. Can't remember why I stopped now. I'm trying out Exact Audio Copy which was a bit of a pain to set up and not as "one-button" as most, but does a fantastic job of producing accurate archive copies.
From: william (WILLIAMA)29 Apr 2019 18:13
To: ANT_THOMAS 87 of 168
I'm using Exact Audio Copy now. It's very good indeed, slightly more hands-on than most and it doesn't like a network drive as the target (which I found out after a couple of totally unhelpful error messages). But it's very reliable with rip quality.
From: Manthorp29 Apr 2019 18:16
To: william (WILLIAMA) 88 of 168
Fair enough with VLC. The versatility is virtually unparalleled, but it does have a touch of the beardies about the UI.
Can't remember why I stopped now.

Maybe because they starting charging? There are clean, cracked versions all over teh Jimiverse, though, if you want to renew the acquaintance.
From: william (WILLIAMA)29 Apr 2019 18:19
To: milko 89 of 168
I'm not too fussed now that I've found something that works. I have two optical drives on my main desktop which is some help, but I still have to manually load each disk and remove the last one whatever I use.
From: milko29 Apr 2019 19:09
To: william (WILLIAMA) 90 of 168
have you tried foobar as a music player? a lot of people seem to swear by that. I think it's one of those ones that is quite powerful in terms of configuration, so it might be a bit wild at first but hopefully you can set it up to make it simple for MrsA.
From: Manthorp29 Apr 2019 19:19
To: milko 91 of 168
What's your own media player of choice, Milko Bar Kid?
From: graphitone29 Apr 2019 19:49
To: william (WILLIAMA) 92 of 168
I stumped up for dBPoweramp - best money I've spent on software. If the price hasn't sky rocketed, I'd recommend trying it again. We've got somewhere in the region of 2000 cds and it's the quickest ripper I found - 1 cd will take less than 2 minutes to rip as FLAC. There's some inbuilt clevers which can fill in any gaps or read errors that scratches cause. It also comes with a batch converter, which was damn useful for converting the lossless files to mp3 so I could stick the entire collection on my phone.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)29 Apr 2019 19:59
To: william (WILLIAMA) 93 of 168
Really. That surprises me. Complete opposite of my experience, else I wouldn't have recommended it. Simple, idiot-proof, bullet-proof. IME.

What version of Windows did you try it on?
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)29 Apr 2019 20:32
To: william (WILLIAMA) 94 of 168
> it totally and completely refused to even see them let alone organise and play them as a library of music

If you've got the tracks listed in Inbox, select all, right click, Send To > Music Library.

From: ANT_THOMAS29 Apr 2019 20:59
To: Manthorp 95 of 168
Whilst not directed at me, I find that an interesting question because I've not thought about how I play music in a long time. My answer historically would have been Winamp followed by VLC, then maybe Kodi/XBMC on the TV.

Nowadays I don't listen to an awful lot, but it is usually limited to Spotify or Google Play music. Either via my phone to a Chromecast Audio device, or using the browser on a computer. I can't remember the last time I played back anything from my large MP3 collection. If anything I just use them to transfer to my iPod for long flights.

I keep toying with the idea of making some sort of dedicated music listening room, but then quickly realise that I don't listen to enough to justify that. Whilst it might push me to listen to more, it probably won't and it'll go unused.
From: william (WILLIAMA)29 Apr 2019 21:13
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 96 of 168
I think you've identified the issue right there.
From: Manthorp29 Apr 2019 21:26
To: ANT_THOMAS 97 of 168
I asked this question today in my (young, at least by comparison (manthorp) ) office, and the default answer was Spotify.

It partly ages me: I like to 'have' the music, in a a legacy echo of owning vinyl, or cassettes, or CDs. But it's also about rarities: I have rips from bootlegs, home recorded stuff, Jimmed obscurities etc. that the licit brands just don't - can't - have on their books.
From: william (WILLIAMA)29 Apr 2019 21:34
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 98 of 168
Yes, sorry, I didn't mean to be quite so blunt. Why is the concept of an inbox suitable for somebody who wants to play music? I appreciate that it made sense for somebody who was kind enough and clever enough to write the software for anybody for free. Good luck to him, he did it all alone and a load of people love it to death. I just found the whole experience clunky, unintuitive and not fun. 

Nevertheless, I look at so much praise online and elsewhere and I probably will give it one more try to see whether the issues were my ignorance, some configuration issue, or something else.
From: ANT_THOMAS29 Apr 2019 21:50
To: Manthorp 99 of 168
I used to like the physical media (CDs for me), but then got lazy/enjoy the convenience of the digital tech. I'm a fan of radio, though only whilst commuting 20 mins each way these days, from the point of view of not being in control of what I listen to. That translates well to the likes of Spotify and Google Play Music, where I can let them decide what I listen to. I can pick either a song or artist and let the service play based on that selection. Can often mean I discover something new (or old) I like, or it plays songs I already know and enjoy.

Then there's the discovery and new releases side of things, based around my likes. I don't exactly go to gigs or find myself immersed in new music like I used to, so things like that are appreciated.
EDITED: 29 Apr 2019 21:51 by ANT_THOMAS