Bye Bye Nexus 7

From: Liya (BAOZHAI)16 Jan 2019 07:48
To: ALL16 of 19
My nexus 2013 tablet has died down. It was such a wonderful tablet of that time. Very snappy and was easy to use. 
APPROVED: 16 Jan 2019 10:04 by MILKO
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)18 Jan 2019 13:54
To: ALL17 of 19
Are you sure it's dead? I thought mine is/was, but reflashing (three times) brought it back up to scratch.

Attempted rooting* with SuperSU (twice, 2nd time by accident) made it unbootable, so I reflashed stock, configured, flashed TWRP to recovery and backed it all up so (hopefully) future recovery will take a few minutes vs. a few hours.

*now reckoned to be not terribly useful for most folks
From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN)12 Feb 2019 17:02
Heh, I've got a Nexus 10 and's pretty much a paperweight now. Shame really, cos it really did the trick for a long time - but I tried to resurrect it a year or so ago and it would just randomly reboot.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)12 Feb 2019 17:22
To: Monsoir (PILOTDAN) 19 of 19
My 7 is back in action. Reflashing with stock rom brought it back from the dead, and I've put in an updated "RAM cleaner" app that somewhat improves usability (still reliably slows down and randomly reboots, but a lot less frequently).

Two main ongoing (apparently related) glitches seem to be wifi and "system ui", which typically crashes about ~15-mins after starting anything using wifi. If it makes it through a system ui reset without rebooting itself, it actually runs smooth for a few hours. So usable about as much as I need it to be.

EDITED: 12 Feb 2019 17:24 by DSMITHHFX