FC5 Can.$26.40 'til the 28th @ Ubi

From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)25 Mar 2019 12:30
To: ALL73 of 159
I started up the 'Nam DLC and thus finding the world underpopulated with, you know enemies as I stumble around in the jungle, which kind of resembles a golf course that hasn't been mowed in a couple of weeks, with some trees and big-ass rocks. Anyhoo there are a bunch of 'side-missions' available in a menu, so I suppose the onus is on me to go find the action. On the bright side, returning to FC5 I find the gun locker has been restocked with some nice 'Nam-era toys, including a pretty decent M16. I did my time in the Jacob shooting gallery (BOORING!!!) and now happily back open-worlding in the White Mountains, where the terrain is breathtaking.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)27 Mar 2019 15:43
To: ALL74 of 159
[wrong thread]
EDITED: 27 Mar 2019 16:01 by DSMITHHFX
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)28 Mar 2019 15:31
To: ALL75 of 159
Made it through the swap out the brainwashing video in the torture hotel/blow up the "only you" boom boxes/kill Jacob boss fight. Halfway through the "only you" bit, I realized it was conventional FC combat with extra enemy spawning and graphical silliness, so that made it better. The boss fight was pretty rote and pretty meh (I actually killed him with two .50 pistol rounds from a distance of about 15-feet). I didn't mind so much because this was after a glorious round of assorted open-world roaming and the less tedious (not go cart, not shooting gallery) mini-missions.
From: Manthorp28 Mar 2019 15:57
To: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 76 of 159
Do me a favour and sometime leave the region and return (with caution) to the hotel. Mine seemed to completely repopulate with enemies. Just the once.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)28 Mar 2019 16:14
To: Manthorp 77 of 159
I've already noticed similar in a couple of spots, will check the hotel. Pretty sure it also happens in 3 & 4. Feature.

Just remembered, when I finished the torture tape mission and before it segued into the "only you" battle, there were still cultists about, and no triumphalist resistance dudes rolled in. So not a base cap per se. Mind you, this was at 1:30am.
EDITED: 28 Mar 2019 16:21 by DSMITHHFX
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)29 Mar 2019 12:22
To: ALL78 of 159
OK, I'm all confused about where this torture lodge is. I thought it might be Elk something lodge, but that is an already captured base with no cultists left around, and it has decidedly different landscaping (and a giant elk statue). Anyway I did John last night. The airplane flying was pretty much a fiasco from start to finish, but I managed to eject and parachute to finish him on the ground. It feels pretty close to the story end now with all regions liberated, but my progress is only showing ~53% completion (true I skipped all the dumber side shows). Still got the showdown with Joseph and whatever follows to do. Gotta say the last few cut scenes are better than average for FC.

Edit: Found it. Abandoned, no cultists,
EDITED: 30 Mar 2019 12:13 by DSMITHHFX
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)30 Mar 2019 20:30
To: ALL79 of 159
Finished it. I picked the "resist" option which led to a fairly spectacular, if bleak ending (in a bunker with a crazy person forever and ever, amen). Maybe next go I'll try "walk away" & see how that goes.

Anyway, before that an odd thing happened: while I was going back to check out the torture lodge, the cult chopper convoy hoves into view. I started switching out my assault rifle ammo to AP to have a pop at it, when a seaplane comes along and shoots them all down (unbidden by me), the mission success banner pops up and I 'earn' 800 bucks for nothing.

As manthorp rightly pointed out, there's not much to do after the regions are liberated, so after cleaning up some stray side missions, I went for my appointment with destiny.

After that, the "game+" option is presented and you get to replay the game with all your dosh and weapons. So I started that on "hard," which thus far, ain't very. Noticing a lot more about the story though. On this playthrough I might try leaving one base in each region in order to carry on with the open world random firefights, which present some of the best part of the game.

I think 5 is my favorite of the series, though I will be playing 4 again at some point RSN. Also still got the Nam DLC which I barely started.
From: Manthorp 1 Apr 2019 13:19
To: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 80 of 159
Playing on after the nuclear apocalypse seems a bit silly, especially in a gameworld that's clearly pre-apocalyptic. It's not as if there is a non-apocalyptic ending, after all.

I flunked the final dogfight with John - my flying is and always has been dreadful - but I bossed it anyway. As far as I could tell his plane just screamed out of the sky without cause and crashed. I assume it's written-in to avoid frustrating bad players like me.

I'm glad to see that the end hasn't put you off replaying - as I said before, I've not been tempted.

I've installed New Dawn and watched the intro, but I haven't had time to start playing yet - maybe this evening, if I'm spared. 

From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 1 Apr 2019 14:04
To: Manthorp 81 of 159
Well the gameworld looks the same as it did before, just the mission splash screen looks post-apocalyptic with a burnt-out Falls River.  I really don't care about the story, there's loads of replay in this. I'm totally ignoring in-game prompts to do this or that mission next, and just tooling around the map.

Getting past the opening, it's definitely harder on "hard" but not insurmountably so, especially with the full weapon loadout -- and that really change the dynamic of early game play, as you're no longer fixated on amassing perks, and you can pretty much kill anything. BUT on "hard" the enemies can spot and kill you more easily, making stealth, surprise and sniping premium tactics.

I cut a non-apocalyptic swath of destruction walking due north through the land o' Jacob, then doubled back to pick up the bow lady (helper folks aren't kept in game+, you have to fetch 'em back). Apparently there's ways of controlling them, with keyboard commands (stay and heel) but mine are off-leash. Might get Cheeseburger the bear next, haven't tried him yet.
EDITED: 1 Apr 2019 14:17 by DSMITHHFX
From: Manthorp 1 Apr 2019 14:22
To: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 82 of 159
I really came to appreciate using the in-game helper commands. You can direct snipers to vantage points and get them to stay there, or send scrappers into the heart of the action (especially if you don't like them much and want to replace them with more companionable ones).

Fished yet?
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 1 Apr 2019 14:36
To: Manthorp 83 of 159
I tried fishing on those side missions for the monster drugged-out fish, the ones that break your line. I caught lots of the wrong fish, then it became boring and repetitive so I gave up. I have pretty low threshold of boredom. Bow-hunting by comparison is a lot more fun. It would be cool if you could bow hunt fish, Amazon-stylee with 6 foot arrows.

I was thinking this morning: why hasn't Far Cry done an urban environment?
From: BarHenly (BARHEN) 2 Apr 2019 07:41
To: ALL84 of 159
Far Cry was 17.5 on PS4 last month. Actually it was 20+ something but added discounts for PS members. 
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 6 Apr 2019 22:35
To: ALL85 of 159
So after the Baron Mill Lumberyard base cap in "Game + Hard" mode, I decided to go for a lighter loadout: winchester-style rifle with scope, 'Nam mp5k, bow and .44 magnum revolver. Bad move.

The BML cap triggered the john cut scene that segued into the reverend free tha' prisoners running gun battle and then defend the bridge with a mortar and whatnot 'til the chopper gets there, and oh by the way, you have to get your not-too-capable buddy out alive too.

Real tough when you're surrounded by baseball bat-swinging and shotgun-blasting crazies. This is where the hard difficulty really is a problem. So I bailed on that and went back into 'Nam, this time finding lots to do (variously) freeing prisoners, liberating a POW camp, and taking out an AA gun, none of which was especially difficult with my hard-won FC veteran skills.

The terrain of this DLC is also looking a lot more interesting and believable once I got past the sprawling golf course.
From: Manthorp 8 Apr 2019 10:50
To: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 86 of 159
I can never be bothered with playing on hard difficulty - I don't tend to play for the challenge, but for the story, the world and the lolz. That's probably why I don't like (& am lousy at) boss levels.

Update on New Dawn: I played my first half hour last night, a discreet training level neatly done in the remains of a crashed train (cf. Half Life: Chapters), and the first level proper, involving scrounging the materials for a saw blade slinger (cf. Half Life: Chapters), taking a bridge and picking up a partner.

First impressions: Plus ca change, plus ca meme chose, but that's fine by me. The post-post-apocalyptic landscape is interesting; sort of cyberpunky, with unlikely mutant animals (so soon?).

There's clearly going to be a greater emphasis on crafting - weapons, ammunition & syringes - which I was lazy about in FC5: you could pick up enough stuff not to need to craft. I don't think I'll get that option in FC:ND. But that feels appropriate to the narrative, so I'll just re-learn the emphasis on crafting that came with FC: Primal.

Not particularly hard, though the training level has the same driver as FC5: enemies in such overwhelming numbers that I ultimately had to get out of Dodge. I might restart it tonight and try to kill them all by stealth.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 8 Apr 2019 12:25
To: Manthorp 87 of 159
After I thought about it, I remembered I picked "hard" for a reason and decided to make better use of both my loadout and pickups, and try to hang onto medkits. IOW no run and gun malarky. It was still really tough, but with the help of a pick up shotgun and pre-purchased incendiary ammo, I lit up the zombies (and buddy by accident), revived buddy and we both made it to the chopper. After about another 10 tries.

Last night I tested out Cheeseburger the grizzly bear sidekick, and he's good. I think I still like the cat better though. I spent the rest of the evening tromping around the foothills between the prison and the Henbane River siccing the bear on zombies and bushwhacking passing vehicles (trucks, prisoner vans and rivercraft).
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)12 Apr 2019 22:00
To: Manthorp 88 of 159
Anymore thoughts on ND?

I been marked for death called in for a pointless shooting gallery exercise by Jacob and blessed by Faith, so I have been rampaging unmolested in John's region for the past few evenings, killing more of his special friends, blowing up all kinds of shit, and freeing prisoners than you can shake a stick at. Still, no word from Johnny. The old softie.
EDITED: 12 Apr 2019 22:04 by DSMITHHFX
From: Manthorp15 Apr 2019 07:51
To: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 89 of 159
I can tell you how to trigger John if you want - it's a fairly logical action on your part.

I restarted ND last night and just played through to where I'd got to before. I found a way of bossing the training level after the Highwaymen were triggered - there's an armoury container out of the way and I stationed myself there - it's safe from the howitzers and the baddies keep running in to be slaughtered.  I holed up in there for ages - long enough to be certain that the baddies are continuously respawned.

When I'd filled up my inventory with everything I moved on to the bridge level where I kicked a bunch of mutant deer to death (they don't run after the first melee blow) and wiped out all bridge baddies with ease.  But I'm just back where I was a few days ago.

I'm enjoying it.  The sawblade gun is awesome - kills at least twice if baddies are close enough together.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)15 Apr 2019 09:31
To: Manthorp 90 of 159
Yeah I triggered him by capturing his ranch. I also found out you can hold off his posse if you don't stray too far from the ranch, kill them and retreat back to the ranch before they respawn (the respawns hang around on the road outside hollering threats). But eventually I was grabbed, and remembered that of the three, his levels are 'relatively' interesting so that wasn't too terrible. Forgot that he zeroes out your inventory apart from weapons though. That was expensive, but an excuse to go hunting. I was chagrined to discover that after slaughtering a small herd of caribou (4-5), you aren't warned you reached your limit, until you try to save more skins.  :-@ Interesting that some fairly large parts of the map are devoid of wildlife, while others are teeming with it.

edit: rural USian folk don't 'shout', they 'holler'.
EDITED: 15 Apr 2019 14:06 by DSMITHHFX
From: Manthorp16 Apr 2019 14:18
To: ALL91 of 159
Got deeper under the skin of ND last night & played till 2am, which tells its own story.

The character development is quite different, with the options available at different areas of the base, Prosperity; and the main experience points mechanism is looting ethanol and bringing it back for the base.

There's quite a push to persuade players to buy Ubisoft credits to exchange in-game (and a melding of bought & earned credits, in order to blur the line still further, though they're fooling nobody). But the character progression is fine without any in-game purchasing. I'm only on level two of anything - with lots of progression to go - but generally I'm well matched to the enemy AI and the vicissitudes & dangers of the world.

As soon as you have liberated an enemy base, you have the option of taking it again from rock hard NPCs, with massive amounts of ethanol as your reward.  First time I did it, it took me four or five attempts to win it back. I can do it again, but I don't know whether the difficulty is ramped up yet another notch if I do. There are plenty of side missions and no great pressure to plough through the main quest.

There is some absolutely rock hard fauna. Even the mutant warthogs are tough, and the elks have the skin of an FC4 rhino.

EDITED: 16 Apr 2019 14:21 by MANTHORP
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)16 Apr 2019 17:17
To: Manthorp 92 of 159
This is beginning to sound interesting. How do you transport the ethanol, and isn't it super flammable?