During a prodigious, 6-hour (cumulative) weekend FC5 binge, I drank deeply from the well of unhinged, open-world rampage. Then of course, I hit the inevitable FC universe turd in the punchbowl -- the mission(s) on rails you really hate, but can't avoid. Two of them.
One in crazy-assed brother Jacob's realm, where recovering some subcretinous hick's stolen humvee so incensed brother Jacob that he sent his hunters to kidnap me back to his private shooting gallery, providing me with an opportunity to prove my mettle as a...midway shooting gallery rube. Over and overzzzzzzzzzz.
Soon tiring of this pointless and un-gratifying minigame 'mission', I esc-quit and restarted the game, in order to fast-travel anywhere but here. Three times. Fourth time, by going back to the starting point Ranger's station, I managed to give kidnappers and the minigame the slip.
Now I was in 'henbane' country, crawling with henbane-addled zombies, super-soldiers, and shape-shifting critters -- I suspect henbane is a metaphor for oxycontin (hillbilly heroin), but whatever.
So far so good, none of Jacob's squad about and I resumed my rampage apace. Yeehaw.
Capturing a henbane brewery was unfortunately (and perhaps predictably, in hindsight) OTT for sister Faith, for she then sent her best, armored-up LMG guys to hose me down with 'bliss bullets' and...wait for it...kidnap me.
And so I found myself press-ganged into a new mission, 'waking up' in captivity, dreading what tedious and degradingly repetitive chore I may be called upon to perform by Ubi's genius game designers.
Edit: Hmm, ok, at least I figured out the work-around
https://steamcommunity.com/app/552520/discussions/0/1697169163399220556/EDITED: 4 Mar 2019 16:47 by DSMITHHFX