The geography of the world map was obviously lazy, though it's always going to have a waist if they want to prevent players from opening up the whole map too soon. I agree about the side missions, some of which are self-contained campaigns in themselves. And yes, the characterisation is stronger (especially Pagan Min, who I regard as one of the great fictional media baddies of recent years).
I don't know Nepal, which I think Kyrat must loosely be based on, but I know Himalayan Pakistan well (I grew up there), and they've got the geography, architecture and atmosphere spot-on (at least in the rare moments when the shit isn't hitting the Punka).
My typical loadout's not a million miles from yours: silenced sniper rifle, LMG with expanded clip, grenade launcher & bow. Shotgun replacing the bow when I know there's going to be a shedload of close combat as in, for instance, a skirmish in a large building.
I hadn't noticed the vehicle handling thing, which would obviously make sense; but then, my in-game driving's lousy at the best of times.
EDITED: 12 Dec 2018 12:25 by MANTHORP