FarCry 3 Can.$8.83 on Steam next ~4-hours

From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)16 Aug 2018 17:23
To: graphitone 84 of 96
Yeah, there's a "casual" version of the mod listed. The "regular" one I loaded requires a lot more concentration than the unmodded game on default difficulty, and encourages a more leisurely, contemplative approach, rather than rampaging through multiple bases and towers to stockpile a crazy arsenal. I've done way more stealth kills, and unsuppressed distance sniping with a pick up, as well as hunting-gathering (pelts 'n plants).
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)21 Aug 2018 15:20
To: ALL85 of 96
I'm liking this mod so much that I may skip the dumb-ass story missions entirely. On the weekend, after I finished capturing all the north island pirate bases and buying an M14 ("socom") AR with suppressor and "marksman" sight, I set off for the south island and captured a "privateer" base as a beachhead so I can fast-travel there at will, and also undead there which I need to do very often.

South island base captures are a lot more difficult, as they are generally much better defended. Anyway I captured one more south island base in the center, so I can do the crocodile hunt tonight.

I'm going for the handbag upgrade that demands 4 jaguars, 2 sharks and *5* crocodile hides. Needless to say, this handbag is so huge and heavy you need a small tractor to haul it around. Oh wait, game logic.

In hindsight the "socom" purchase was probably unwise, since you can't steady the crosshairs like you can a sniper rifle scope. However, it does have a suppressor and is < 1/3 the cost of a store-bought sniper rifle so I'm making do. You've got to get in really close, which makes the hit and run stuff pretty dicey. I'm doing a whole lot of underwater bullet-dodging, and I burned through all my health injectors.
EDITED: 21 Aug 2018 18:23 by DSMITHHFX
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)22 Aug 2018 15:27
To: ALL86 of 96
OK so I only got 2 crocodile hides + 1 fucking useless albino crocodile hide (can't be sold, can't be used for handbags), and the big-ass crocodile farm is all fished out. I swam up and down the river looking for more crocodiles until one found me first and I wound up undead back at the base. I then proceeded to attack another small base throwing everything I had at it including body armour and RPGs, and had to quit after multiple unsuccessful tries (I'm bad at closing, because I get in too close and run out of ammo at inconvenient times).
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)23 Aug 2018 17:46
To: ALL87 of 96
The base was easier to beat sober (go figure): I RPGd the two heavies from behind cover, sneaked in close and hosed down the survivors when they went for the alarm. Easy-peasy.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)10 Sep 2018 15:07
To: ALL88 of 96
After capturing all the modded game bases, maxing out on handbags, clutches, doggy bags and money belts, putting away a decent (but not obscene) arsenal, and killing a shit tonne of animals for fun and profit, I decided to give the missions another play. Being able to play them through thus fully loaded, and without needing to bother dodging stray enemies tear-assing around in jeeps and boats, has made a huge difference in being able to focus on the business at hand, even the distasteful business of "Citrus-ass" and her "Ratpaky" minions (wait, that sounds vaguely racist). Suffice to say, I hate it less. I still hate the interminable (literally) cut scenes, phony knife "fights" (push left mouse button. now push right mouse button. mash "space" bar. oops, not fast enuf), and ridiculous shooting gallery of 150"-tall Ratpakie monster. Oh yes. But on balance, the pitched firefights with mounted guns, tigers &such make those almost bearable. I'm waiting to see if the reset bases option will be preserved in this mod so I can thus declare it a winner. I even found an inexhaustible weapons cache on the south island I can return to at will (via fast travel and a short jog), to restock ammo (quite pricey in the mod) for free!
EDITED: 10 Sep 2018 15:11 by DSMITHHFX
From: graphitone10 Sep 2018 16:06

I got the same mod, started playing the game, then got distracted by GTA V. I've finished the story mode and have zero interest in playing it further to complete the outstanding side missions. I've been playing Pharaoh again and once I've got bored of building pyramids, I'll get back into Far Cry. 
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)10 Sep 2018 16:14
To: graphitone 90 of 96
I quite like the looks of that Assassin's Creed set in ancient Egypt.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)17 Sep 2018 16:10
To: ALL91 of 96
I'm waiting to see if the reset bases option will be preserved in this mod so I can thus declare it a winner

They are and it is.  :-O~~~

The last, uber-battles of the missions are a bit odd in that, when you get killed, and you will, often, instead of having to start over from scratch like you do base caps, you are returned to the next stage of the battle, which certainly makes them easier to finish. The comm and fuel depot fights in particular you get totally swarmed, and the mod has made enemy bullets (etc) all the more lethal, tipping them dangerously into no-win territory (though they are ultimately, if barely, winnable).

Anyway I'm not sure I like those battles, because they are so scripted (action a triggers action b), the enemies spawn out of nowhere, and there are very limited options for approach and improvisation -- earlier battles are far better about this.

So now I've reset the bases, and bouncing back and forth between the two islands, killing pirates in CQB and raining RPG (+sniper, +AR) hellfire down on privateers from a great height. The satisfyingly random and frequent roadside and coastal encounters are quite a treat, so much so that I think I'll leave a few bases uncaptured for a while, and just go for long walks and boat rides to see who turns up. Also, I am managing to kill enough lions, tigers and bears to maintain my expensive body armor habit and still turn a respectable profit.
EDITED: 17 Sep 2018 16:14 by DSMITHHFX
From: Manthorp18 Sep 2018 08:14
Time for FC4.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)18 Sep 2018 10:27
To: Manthorp 93 of 96
Next sale I reckon.

For the time being, I just bought the GL, and turned mod difficulty up on "hard" (NJ).
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)19 Sep 2018 13:54
To: ALL94 of 96
Turns out the GL isn't really as fun as hand grenades (or for that matter RPG), but you do get to bring loads more grenades.

So far, "hard" just means about double the numbers of enemies driving around on backroads (though I haven't tackled a base cap yet). Which is ok, because as soon as you take out a jeep, another rolls up before you have time to loot the bodies. And, before you know it, there's 4 jeeps in a big-ass bonfire. Also there seem to be more critters (hide $$$).

Edit: After playing some more on "hard" -- it seems the enemies are also a) better at spotting you, b) attack more aggressively, often by driving off-road right at you, c) more apt to flank your position, and d) shoot straighter. Haven't made it to a base to attack it yet, keep getting myself killed on the road. Last night I was flanked from two directions by jeeps with mounted guns.  :-&
EDITED: 20 Sep 2018 14:52 by DSMITHHFX
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)25 Sep 2018 14:55
To: ALL95 of 96
Well goddamn. I saved up my allowance for a shiny new Z93 sniper rifle, only to discover that, in the mod version, there's no suppressor for it. There is in the unmod, and I expected more/better options. Only a shitty fucking muzzle brake that makes it sound like a fucking howitzer.  :C
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 7 Oct 2018 14:28
To: ALL96 of 96
Found a body armour cache in the bell tower of that church of the main-mission-sniper-from-water-tower-village.

Trick is to get out of town with the armour intact, its crawling with pirates. (In the mod, body armour isn't nearly as good anyway, it lasts about as long as a regular health shot, or 3 or 4 bullets).