FarCry 3 Can.$8.83 on Steam next ~4-hours

From: Manthorp 5 Jul 2018 21:35
You love it. Dirty game.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 6 Jul 2018 10:18
To: Manthorp 54 of 96
Got beat in a manhunt for the first time last night. Unlike all the bases, this one was at the top of the hill instead of bottom. And the guards were clustered together so picking them off undetected was a non-starter. And the heavys have super-armour. I reckon I needed the grenade launcher.

But wait, there's more:  (bounce) I discovered you can't do a takedown of a heavy, but you can still kill him with the knife by slashing it back and forth a few times. Considering they can take two clips of AR rounds in the head without flinching this is... illogical. The one other bright spot in this dismal deathslog was I was able at one point to pick up an RPG launcher from a dead guard and blow away a heavy with it at the same instant he mowed me down with LMG fire.
EDITED: 6 Jul 2018 14:01 by DSMITHHFX
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 6 Jul 2018 14:25
To: ALL55 of 96
Hmmph. This is showing the east ridge camp wanted dead (one that has me stumped) with all takedowns -- including the heavys!  >-O

From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 7 Jul 2018 15:02
To: ALL56 of 96
So I went back to the coke machine and took out an RPG launcher. Improbably accurate at long distance, like a sniper cannon (and strangely less effective at mid to close range). Heavies problem solved. You can actually kill two (in close proximity) with one shot.  :-O~~~
From: Manthorp 8 Jul 2018 13:00
The Grenade Launcher is an essential in my loadout. When the shit hits the fan, as it occasionally does, the grenade launcher will take out most heavies and many clusters with a single shot. You soon get expert at judging the distance at which it can be fired without killing yourself as well - and it's probably unfeasibly close.  It's also useful for continuing to soften up enemy outposts from height after your sniper ammo runs out or you've been detected.  Plus it's huge fun firing from a buzzer.

My loadout tends to be the aforementioned grenade launcher, the best sniper rifle I have access to, ditto best LMG and a last weapon bespoke to the mission - often the recurve bow or a missile launcher.
From: Chris (CHRISSS) 8 Jul 2018 23:41
To: ALL58 of 96
I've never played any Far Cry games. I might give it a go. Which one should I start with?
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 9 Jul 2018 01:30
To: Manthorp 59 of 96
I put away the grenade launcher and LMG for the last couple of posts as it was becoming boringly easy. New fun is killing everyone on a jeep with a HMG turret, driving it into the base and using the HMG to hose it down.
From: Manthorp 9 Jul 2018 06:43
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 60 of 96
3, I reckon.  It's probably the best story and you'll know from playing it whether or not you'll enjoy the franchise.

Then 4 for the tweaks to the gameplay and for the script & voice acting of Pagan Min.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 9 Jul 2018 09:39
To: ALL61 of 96
Radio towers are becoming annoyingly difficult to climb. I've actually died more times from misjudged leaps than from combat (well maybe. I lost count).
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 9 Jul 2018 13:28
To: Manthorp 62 of 96
The story in FC3 thus far (and I'm about 80% through, no hurry to complete), or at least the way it's presented, is its weakest element. A lot weaker than Dead Island I & II (and they were no great shakes), slight improvement over Call of Juarez Gunslinger (execrable). The things that make it all worthwhile IMO are the superb open world (stunning), environmental effects in said world (ditto), vehicles, combat (really good bots), animals, hunting tha' animals, being mauled by tha' animals, and watching the animals run amok (or just graze peacefully). Weapons, weapons and crafting systems are *pretty good* and adequate for gameplay, I've had better. It all adds up to a great game flawed, but not ruined by a weak (ludicrous, frankly) story.
EDITED: 9 Jul 2018 13:30 by DSMITHHFX
From: Manthorp 9 Jul 2018 21:08
If you think the story in FC3 is risible, I can't wait for you to have a pop at 4, Primal or 5...
From: Chris (CHRISSS) 9 Jul 2018 23:32
To: Manthorp 64 of 96
Cool, thanks. When I've got some free time (don't get much of that at the mo) I'll have a look at FC3.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)12 Jul 2018 17:55
To: ALL65 of 96
All their bases are belong to me.  (woot)
Last one I shot down a helicopter with the assault rifle.

Now I have to go back to the story.

I sure hope storming the big-ass prison is part of the story.

Ah. It's not a prison, it's a "fortress" http://ca.ign.com/wikis/far-cry-3/All_In
EDITED: 12 Jul 2018 18:01 by DSMITHHFX
From: Manthorp12 Jul 2018 20:13
Was FC3 the first one with a 'stop all bases are belong to you' button in the options menu?  It's always worth one or two pops.  Keeps the love alive.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)12 Jul 2018 20:37
To: Manthorp 67 of 96
Apparently you can reload the bases after completing the game (including the story) with the latest patch (1.05), which I believe I have, but AFAIK you can't before that. It doesn't reset any man/beast hunts you already completed though. I am already looking forward to replaying on a higher difficulty level -- after getting all the best weapons, I find it's unbalanced.
From: Manthorp12 Jul 2018 21:00
It does get unbalanced - and there's a pleasure in tearing through the last few bases - but yes, I did exactly the same; cranked up the animosity in the reruns
EDITED: 12 Jul 2018 21:06 by MANTHORP
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)16 Jul 2018 16:21
To: Manthorp 69 of 96
I reckon it's the ability to take a base by sniping alone that makes it feel unbalanced.

Enjoying the sustained CQB firefights in the final missions, hated the phony knife "fight". I tried leaving the rocket launcher home, big mistake. Luckily I could pick one up here and there to deal with heavies. I even was able to gun down all the enemies (including three choppers, a bunch of jeeps with HMGs, and multiple RPG dudes) in the final helicopter escape on the first try.
EDITED: 16 Jul 2018 16:35 by DSMITHHFX
From: Manthorp16 Jul 2018 22:46
Time for FC4. The moment your life has been leading up to.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)17 Jul 2018 00:02
To: Manthorp 71 of 96
Gotta hone my sneakin around skills and get the bad taste of the ending out of my mouth. Pah!
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)17 Jul 2018 13:27
To: ALL72 of 96
After resetting the bases (and losing all the fast-travels :-O ) I left the sniper rifle home and killed three pirates from close range using the "Shadow" suppressed pistol. I could've carried on without triggering the alarm, but I like bringing in reinforcements to these understaffed outposts.

Oh yeah, the ending was beyond stupid but, like, dude were on drugs :O) .
EDITED: 17 Jul 2018 13:28 by DSMITHHFX