Photo gallery/organiser thingy

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)12 Mar 2018 23:03
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 4 of 7
That would suck. :(

I always backup my files manually with system-level tools before importing to make sure I've got multiple copies, but that is an extra level of faff and takes time - makes me envy those professional photographers who have staff to do the boring shit for them.

From: graphitone14 Mar 2018 16:06
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 5 of 7
Alas, then you'd have to manage the staff, adding a further layers of complexity, expense, speaking to people and the final ignominy, they'd have access to your photos.

I wouldn't trust anyone employed to deal with photographs not to superimpose faces of 1980s celebrities such as Mr T and Columbo* on them at every opportunity. 

*Actually, that might enhance some of the portrait pictures I've taken...
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)14 Mar 2018 22:25
To: graphitone 6 of 7
Nope, you'd hire staff to manage all the staff.

And anyone capable of superimposing faces to high enough standards would get promoted to an assistant, especially if they could do a good Mr T onto Columbo.

From: Chris (CHRISSS)15 Mar 2018 16:27
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 7 of 7
I usually copy the entire SD card contents to my HDD and import from there because I'm in a rush to clear the card when I want to go out and use the camera. I've had loads of folders sitting on my desktop for ages so hoping not too much has been lost.