Oh, make sure you check the final price. They may not include VAT and delivery.
Toughy actually. Until Ryzen, AMD have been unable to compete at the high end, but their budget CPUs weren't bad. Looking around, performance of that CPU is almost identical to the Core i3-7100U in the Inspiron I linked to earlier, however with the Radeon graphics bolted on, you'll probably see better gaming performance from it.
Given that it's £25 cheaper as well, the AMD one might be worth considering.
I miss when this was all simple.
Amd were fine if you were skint, Intel were great if you had money to burn.
Yep! Now with Ryzen around, it's even more difficult as AMD and Intel trade blows at the higher end too with both sides better at some things and a bit worse at others. AMD currently scores bonus points due to being a shitload cheaper as well. But for none-Ryzen chips, yeah! It depends...
There are some decent-looking i5 laptops on offer here too, not that I'm in the market for one.
Ugh - went to PC World to try out the Lenovo. Awful keyboard and absolutely horrible case made of the most horrible plastic I've ever seen.
The right shift key is to the right of the up cursor. WTF!?
Back to Dell Outlet now I think.
Ooh I hate half-sized shift keys like that. Had one on an old laptop once and every time I tried to type a capital letter, I moved my cursor to the line above instead :(
My Dell 5378 has a bit of annoying keyboard, which I'm finally used to.
Half size return key.
Home/end/pgup/pgdown as fn keys on the cursors. That's probably the most annoying change.
Laptop keyboards are always a bit odd, but I was able to type without mistakes on all the Dells in PC world.
We've ordered a latitude 3480 off the outlet should be here this week and hopefully has a normal-ish keyboard.
My Lenovo keyboard is decent enough but it has the Ctrl and Fn keys the wrong way round. Luckily you can swap them around in the BIOS. It's fun to tell people to press Ctrl + something and them wonder why it's not working.
Ugh, you let other people touch yours (yes, John)?
Message 41980.23 was deleted
The only drawback of Dell insp is that the build quality is little bad and also its a huge laptop in terms of weight and portability..
APPROVED: 19 Aug 2017 18:37 by MILKO
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