Rage (MM Fury Road -alike) Steam sale

From: Manthorp13 Sep 2017 23:33
To: Manthorp 55 of 58
I look sufficient of an arse without the additional of google eyes.  But they do look funny. Maybe I will.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)14 Sep 2017 10:15
To: graphitone 56 of 58
Tested as D 7.10Mb U 590Kb
From: graphitone14 Sep 2017 20:21
Right you are.

Any idea what the average is over there and is that the best you can get with that ISP? Just wondering 'cos those numbers seem low compared to the speeds we get here (at least in cities, we have outlying areas with some dial-up-like speeds).
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)14 Sep 2017 20:37
To: graphitone 58 of 58
That's the minimum package and likely well below average but not really sure about that.

The ISP advertises plans with "speeds up to 250 Mbps" (down, obviously), which cost more: https://primus.ca/index.php/ont_en/internet.html

We're not streaming or downloading huge amounts at this point (get all our movies on dvd from the library, which has a great selection) -- apart from surfing and email, Mrs.D watches a tv show, I download games, that's about it. The new service seems faster and more reliable than what we had.
EDITED: 14 Sep 2017 20:42 by DSMITHHFX