Rage (MM Fury Road -alike) Steam sale

From: graphitone 4 Sep 2017 10:27
You managed to complete it yet?
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 4 Sep 2017 12:52
To: graphitone 37 of 58
I made it through the blowing up the bridge (next to last level) after skipping the multi-vehicle battle at the end and high-tailing it back to Wellspring. Will probably try to finish today.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 4 Sep 2017 23:00
To: graphitone 38 of 58
Well it turned out a lot tougher than you said it was for you, even with using the fancy pulse gun thingy against those damned pulse gun-wielding apes (and utterly hopeless without). I shall have to try again tomorrow.
From: graphitone 5 Sep 2017 17:13
Yeah do it. The ending is /so/ worth it. I'm pretty sure I used one of the auto rifles to beat that last level.

I remember stocking up with a ton of the armour piercing rounds and using those to take the big bad guys out.
EDITED: 5 Sep 2017 17:21 by GRAPHITONE
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 5 Sep 2017 18:59
To: graphitone 40 of 58
You can take 'em down with 2 or 3 headshots with the pulse gun, or as many clips of armor-piercing bullets (and risk getting killed between reloads).

Me, I'll take the pulse with basically all the free ammo you can use and save on bullets.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 6 Sep 2017 13:46
To: graphitone 41 of 58
All the pulse gun fx in the final mission are stressing out my pc, or there's a memory leak on multiple reloads. It seems to mess up the ata bus on my mb, so my pc won't boot from optical media (for an fsck) until a cold shutdown after a hard crash.

I may have to give the finale a miss, based on your description it's not worth the bother of reinstalling fedora again (a refresh was long overdue, I went from 19 --> 26 in a single bound). The crash last night actually nuked the rpm database, but luckily I found online instructions on how to repair and rebuild.

Oddly enough the ntfs partitions came through relatively unscathed, and I was able to hot-reboot into xp no problem. I did run chkdsk from the recovery console as a precaution though.

Definitely worth the price of admission, and I'll be replaying it again, just not the last level, until I get a beefier pc.
From: graphitone 7 Sep 2017 17:09
I liked the game, but was disappointed I couldn't go back and roam the sandbox after finishing it. There were more races I'd like to have done and the sewers DLC that came with it. Definitely worth the £2 I spent, but I don't think the story's got replay value.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 7 Sep 2017 18:00
To: graphitone 43 of 58
I thought I read somewhere that you can go back and do stuff. Can't remember where I read that, or how you can do it though.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 7 Sep 2017 20:27
To: graphitone 44 of 58
The combat is mostly meh, with some exceptions -- I liked the jackals in particular. The boss battles are just tedious.

What I really like are the mad-max environments and characters, that right there gives it loads of replay value IMHO.
From: graphitone 7 Sep 2017 21:36
Hmm, the Jackals were indicative of that sort of problem I mentioned towards the beginning of the thread. In this case, scantily clad warrior type people, who were some of the toughest enemies, taking multiple hits to take down. It's an odd design decision, and I'm not getting on my high horse with it, 'cos realism is as close to a bedfellow with this game as Simon Cowell is to talent; it just seems a little strange to have the least armoured enemies towards the end of the game, when the bigger Gearhead dudes are a level or two before.

From: graphitone 7 Sep 2017 21:39
Speaking of games (and I think you may well have seen this deal before) the Walking Dead's free for a limited time at Humble Bundle.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 8 Sep 2017 10:40
To: graphitone 47 of 58
I tried to get that last night and I've got something called "uplay client" windows app in my hb library.
From: graphitone 8 Sep 2017 11:17
Ah, sounds like it's only available through Uplay then, it's Ubisoft's version of Steam. I got that unceremoniously dumped on me when I got one of the Far Crys a while back.
From: graphitone 8 Sep 2017 13:16
Sounds like you can only carry on playing once completed if you have the Scorchers DLC:
Quote: Rage Wikia
Note that this is the final mission, and once you have completed it, you cannot turn back and keep playing. So either save just before you go into the capital city or do all the side quests before attempting this mission. Be prepared to meet lots of Authority Mutants and the troops. You know how to deal with them by now, but if you want an easier ride, start spending money like never before and stock up on Authority Pulse Rounds (Jani now sells them), Authority Augmenters, Regenerative Infusions and Sentry Bots, and just tear through the level causing havoc. Note that there are the two final Vehicle Jumps in the Authority Territory past the Authority Security Bridge. Now, with the "Extended Play" option from the DLC RAGE: The Scorchers, after you finished it, you can continue playing.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 8 Sep 2017 14:27
To: graphitone 50 of 58
Yeah that's it. It's still pretty cheap, I might get it.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 8 Sep 2017 17:46
To: graphitone 51 of 58
OK, I got an email with a link to steam key on humble. And now with our new isp we got no data cap  :-O~~~

Dunno what's up with that uplay thing.
EDITED: 8 Sep 2017 17:48 by DSMITHHFX
From: graphitone11 Sep 2017 10:40

Still, uncapped internet is a plus. What upload/download speed have you got there?
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)11 Sep 2017 13:14
To: graphitone 53 of 58
~7 Mbps down. haven't checked up
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)13 Sep 2017 14:57
To: graphitone 54 of 58
quote: graphitone
Speaking of games (and I think you may well have seen this deal before) the Walking Dead's free for a limited time at Humble Bundle.

I started playing this last night, and had the strangest sense of dejavu that I had installed it previously, played it for two minutes and nuked it, though it wasn't in my steam library before I got the hb key for it. Maybe I watched a youtube preview of it a while back.

I have it on low quality settings as a precaution, but the graphics are pretty primitive to begin with. As is the game play, which so far consists of multiple-choice dialog with a game character. Hmm, might give it one more chance.

From: Manthorp13 Sep 2017 23:33
To: Manthorp 55 of 58
I look sufficient of an arse without the additional of google eyes.  But they do look funny. Maybe I will.