
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 8 Apr 2017 15:17
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 2 of 27
If it's a junior developer position I probably wouldn't expect much more than verifying applicants can actually write code.

It'd be a good idea to check what tools/frameworks the company uses so you can start getting familiar - it's possible they'll ask questions about those or give you a small sample application to write with them.

Nothing wrong with searching for coding interview tasks, seeing if you can solve them before seeing answers, and making sure you can explain your reasoning/choices.

Don't forget an interview is a two-way thing - they're trying to determine if you're a good fit, but you should also be looking to determine if it's the right team/company for you, what opportunities will they provide, and so on.

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 8 Apr 2017 15:20
To: Al Mikee THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE) Chris (CHRISSS) Rich 3 of 27
Also, you do C# stuff right? Let's prod these guys and see what they say...
From: Al 8 Apr 2017 17:30
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 4 of 27
I don't do the Techy bits tbh, off the top of my head at this level the guys ask stuff like "what is object orientation" and might sit a candidate in front of visual studio & ask them to do something simple. Knowing a bit of SQL & not relying on entity framework usually goes down well.

We sometimes ask people to do a technical exercise, but that's more for senior dev roles & we want to see elegant, efficient reusable code.

I tend to do the general personality & career goal bits. I look for people who aren't cunts.
From: Chris (CHRISSS) 8 Apr 2017 21:07
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 5 of 27
Thanks Pete. I haven't done much C# for a while, mostly been doing Java since I started at uni. And what it used a lot at this company, I believe. But the email doesn't mention specific languages and says you can use your own laptop.

Started doing some coding puzzles last night, not interview ones, so will have to look for some of them too.
From: Chris (CHRISSS) 8 Apr 2017 21:10
To: Al 6 of 27
Thanks. Definitely expecting some OOP questions. Already had a phone interview with the recruitment company handling the applications and they asked some technical questions, some pretty tricky ones too.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 8 Apr 2017 22:02
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 7 of 27
Ah, that's cool because Java is basically .NET done right. ;)

To a large degree language doesn't matter - it's knowing the abstract concepts and how to combine them that makes people [good] programmers.

Interesting that they let you use your own laptop - suggests they understand the importance of a developer having tools tweaked for their own use.

From: Chris (CHRISSS) 8 Apr 2017 22:14
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 8 of 27
Haha, are you just trying to wind Rendle up :)

I think you've probably heard of the place. An agency that deals with licenses and drivers and vehicles. If they made me use Eclipse for doing Java stuff I'd cry.

I know two people who've started there recently, one in a similar position and one in cyber security. They had a different application process, no CV and lots of competency questions and no practicals in the interview. It seems like a good place to work though.
From: Rich 9 Apr 2017 00:24
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 9 of 27
Hey Chris, good luck in your interview.

The standard set of tests I've seen given to Devs is:
  • Given an array of strings, write a method that identifies which are palindromes
    • Bonus points if you stop comparing at the half-way point
  • Write a method that has two string arguments and will identify if the strings are anagrams of eachother
  • Given a string, arrange the characters alphabetically, e.g. CAT = ACT.
They have their uses but I'm not a fan of those personally, they certainly won't be the deciding factor of making an offer. I'd rather discuss features of the language and frameworks the candidate, for example, garbage collection, generics, async and parallelism, etc. Enough to reveal weaknesses and strengths. They may do that too.

I prefer candidates that show an understanding of code-quality, the differences between unit-, integration- and system-testing. Knowledge of unit test frameworks, negative-testing, and of any tools that can be in-lined into an automated build process to check for regressions and overall quality are definite bonus-points.

I find most businesses are becoming much more security conscious (via their customers) and that filters into Engineering too. It is worth refreshing your memory of the OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities, and be able to give a one-line definition of the STRIDE attack categories.

If I think of anything else, I'll post.
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 9 Apr 2017 12:11
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 10 of 27
Do you know what sort of sector(s) the company is in? What sort of technologies are you likely to be working with? What would the common tasks you'd be expected to know about be?

My department generally does database-y stuff, so our technical questions are all geared around that - joins, transactions, query optimisation, security. Our app development department covers a bit of that, but also more about the C# side of things, around object orientation, interfaces, web services, user interfaces, and all that kind of stuff.
From: Chris (CHRISSS) 9 Apr 2017 15:37
To: Rich 11 of 27
Yeah, from what i was reading last night a lot of companies so that sort of algorithm testing.

We had a talk in uni from the head of security there and he talked a little about OWASP so I'll definitely check that out.

The job posting said about supporting the transition from old tech to new cloud based platforms. And I'm sure I read something about being able to use different languages but can't find that bit now.

The person doing a similar role I know there has been learning JavaScript and JAX-RS.

Trying to remember what I was asked about on the phone:
Types of testing.
Difference between abstract class and interface.
What is stateless.
How to ensure a program runs error free.
Something about source control I had no clue about.
Agile development.
From: Chris (CHRISSS) 9 Apr 2017 15:39
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 12 of 27
It's civil service, the driving people. And as I said in the last post using new cloud based platforms. Sounds fun.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)28 Apr 2017 10:34
To: ALL13 of 27
Well I had my interview on Wednesday. I think the actual interview went pretty well. Lots of general questions about OOP, web services, databases, scaling, testing.

Unfortunately the coding exercise didn't go so well. It was a task to assess my skills, no algorithms. Didn't get a great deal of it done, definitely made some mistakes and by brain just seemed to stop working. Half an hour went so quick too.

So wait and see now I guess.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)31 May 2017 18:59
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 14 of 27
I found out today I got the job. Gonna be working for the DVLA on their cloud based systems.
From: graphitone31 May 2017 20:26
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 15 of 27

 :-{)   (beer)  (cheer)
From: milko31 May 2017 21:29
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 16 of 27
weeeeeyyyyyy. Well done. Is this your first coding job? I seem to remember you learning all this in your spare time while doing kitchen fitting or something. Good work!
From: Chris (CHRISSS)31 May 2017 22:10
To: milko 17 of 27
Thanks. Yeah, still doing the kitchens, although not for long. It'll be my first coding job, yeah. Can't wait.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)31 May 2017 22:15
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 18 of 27
Woohoo! \o/
From: ANT_THOMAS31 May 2017 22:32
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 19 of 27
Genuinely very happy for you. And very impressed you've taken the leap, gone back in to education and found a job that you feel will be more worthwhile.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)31 May 2017 22:52
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 20 of 27
From: Chris (CHRISSS)31 May 2017 23:28
To: ANT_THOMAS 21 of 27
Thanks Ant. And everyone else. Yeah, best thing I did was apply for the part time degree. Was starting to think I wasn't getting anywhere doing it on my own.

Just need to pass some security checks then I'll be a software engineer :D