
From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN)29 Mar 2017 11:49
To: ANT_THOMAS 2 of 4
Still can't believe we're here, to be honest. Pretty sad about the whole thing
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)29 Mar 2017 15:58
To: ALL3 of 4
Strap in.

From: Rich 5 Apr 2017 06:09
To: ALL4 of 4
As Europe, the UK and US are economically tied together in a comical 5-legged race it is hard to tell how the currencies are performing in absolute terms. I find the Bitcoin-to-GBP rate is an interesting chart to watch as it isn't (shouldn't be) too tied to any one nation or event.


That said, in the month before the referendum the pound weakened against BC by about 50%. The next 10 years are going to be... difficult.