
From: milko29 Mar 2017 21:23
To: milko 13 of 31
This isn't working very well on an iPad. Ah well, it's just a toddler, they're all more or less the same innit. 
From: Dan (HERMAND)29 Mar 2017 21:24
To: milko 14 of 31
You missed your pic :(

And three! Mental! I can't wait for him to start "getting into things" and being a bit more interactive, although I'm sure I'll regret saying that soon enough
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)30 Mar 2017 08:37
To: ALL15 of 31
Ours now claps and gets excited when she hears the Star Trek theme. I am unnaturally happy about that.  :'-D 

(I may have said this already on a previous occasion.. a side-effect of being a parent is that your memory.. what was I talking about?)
EDITED: 30 Mar 2017 08:38 by NUKKLEAR
From: gracia (GRACEINC)30 Mar 2017 09:00
To: ALL16 of 31
Such an adorable baby, May he has a bright and fruitful future. God Bless you
From: milko30 Mar 2017 12:46
To: Dan (HERMAND) 17 of 31
Yeah I couldn't get upload to work on here from my iPad, and I wasn't getting off that sofa for anything.

Here's a link to a different more recent one anyway:

It does generally get more fun but indeed more effort, once they're mobile very little is safe. And once they can express free will and demand their own way, argh.
From: ANT_THOMAS30 Mar 2017 12:56
To: milko 18 of 31
Clinging on to that hair!
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)30 Mar 2017 14:08
To: milko 19 of 31
"I wasn't getting off that sofa for anything"

Wow. That deserves a Forum Award.
From: milko30 Mar 2017 14:31
To: ANT_THOMAS 20 of 31
it's not good from that angle is it. I actually asked the barber to shave it last weekend and they refused. Dunno what to do now!
From: milko30 Mar 2017 14:32
it'd been a long tough day! I'll look forward to my award sometime near the heat death of the solar system.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)30 Mar 2017 14:39
To: milko 22 of 31
Kenny's on it!
From: ANT_THOMAS30 Mar 2017 18:57
To: milko 23 of 31
If they refused you still have some time left. Sounds like you accept inevitable which is always a good thing!

Actually, now I've thought about it, they only refused because you'll then no longer require their services as once it's done you'll be buying a pair of clippers. Very cunning.
From: Dan (HERMAND)31 Mar 2017 09:22
To: milko 24 of 31
Aw man, cute as anything - glad you're all doing well! And there'll be no free will in our house.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)31 Mar 2017 10:04
To: Dan (HERMAND) 25 of 31
That must have been horrible watching him going through that. Great that's it's all working out so well though. Is this going to be a life long condition he'll have to deal with?

Awesome picture too, little cutey :D
From: Chris (CHRISSS)31 Mar 2017 10:05
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 26 of 31
Star Trek fan already. Good job :D Is she a Piccard or Kirk fan though?
From: Chris (CHRISSS)31 Mar 2017 10:06
To: milko 27 of 31
Definitely easier in some ways but more difficult in others as they grow up. I'm glad going down the shops isn't such a drama anymore though. No need to pack bags with nappies and food and all the baby stuff, just shove them in the car and go.
From: Dan (HERMAND)31 Mar 2017 10:29
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 28 of 31
Any fixes will always be artificial (Barring new tech), so in that sense, it'll always be something he has to be aware of but hopefully his quality of life shouldn't really be impacted. Interestingly, the Olympic snowboarder Shaun White had a milder form of the same condition so that's something. (From brief reading, I think they were able to fix his without artificial bits)

Childhood is the fucker, really - because he'll simply outgrow the artificial valve and conduits they put in. We're already seeing this now - his blood O2 readings were about 90 - 95 after surgery (95 - 100 would be "normal", with anything under 90 being "low" for normal people). They've now dipped to being 85 - 90. If that trend continues over the next 4 - 6 weeks they'll need to look into doing "something". Hopefully something key hole, like a stent to enlarge his existing conduit slightly which should see him through to his next big OP, which is likely to be next year.

Next years a big one in itself, because they'll also try and fix the hole in his heart and fit a valve. The surgery in December was literally just adding a conduit to allow blood to the lungs - so comparatively basic, but they had some complexities/complications to deal with.

And then it's all a bit unclear but we're looking at open heart every 5 years until he's a bigger teenager when hopefully they can do one last one.
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)31 Mar 2017 10:46
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 29 of 31
Hmm good question... I'll try to find out.
From: DeannaG (CYBATRON)12 Apr 2017 18:09
To: Dan (HERMAND) 30 of 31
You won't regret it nearly as much as you think you will, and later, you'll find you actually miss it. :)
From: Gobfounded (YVE) 6 May 2017 22:36
To: Dan (HERMAND) 31 of 31
That was Littlewibbly's 13th birthday (Nanowibbl turned 11, this week!)

He's rather cute, for a baby.