
From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN)11 Apr 2017 17:21
To: Dave!! 99 of 103
Twas a glorious era, really, that! To be fair to Delphi, for all its flaws it was quite unique and ahead of its time really. Even now, other BBS systems are pretty "meh"
From: Dave!!11 Apr 2017 17:29
To: Monsoir (PILOTDAN) 100 of 103
Fully agree. Just checked my profile and found (interestingly enough) that this is my 11,111th post here. Kind of shows just how much stuff used to get posted here, and on Delphi before it.

Forum wise, apart from a few graphical tweaks, phpBB and the likes are just as unfriendly to use as they were 15 years ago. Frames FTW!
From: DeannaG (CYBATRON)20 Apr 2017 22:03
To: Dave!! 101 of 103
phpBB, and it's cookie cutter offspring, and Delphi can't hold a candle to Beehive! :)

Beehive Forum!
EDITED: 20 Apr 2017 22:04 by CYBATRON
From: Gobfounded (YVE) 6 May 2017 22:52
To: ALL102 of 103
See I'm late again.

I checked into Delphi for the first time in ages, last week. They made some big UI changes, last year, and now, apart from a seasoned few, it's deader than dead.

Tend to divide my online life between mumsnet, a regional bus enthusiast forum (littlewibbly's a bit of a bus basher and I've conceded that there's worse hobbies to have) and twitter. i do have a faceache account, but I'm a rebel who refuses to give my real name and I don't actually use it for anything other than logging into mindless games on my iPad.
From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN) 7 May 2017 18:20
To: Gobfounded (YVE) 103 of 103