The US Presidential Election 2016

From: milko 8 Mar 2017 18:56
To: ANT_THOMAS 80 of 85
Ha, if that ever wasn't clearly an excuse, there's been enough from the new administration to prove it a few times over.

I don't really understand how we collectively managed to get this stupid.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 8 Mar 2017 19:23
To: ANT_THOMAS 81 of 85
Well my brother who is a Canadian by birth with a green card living in the states (where he has always lived) is relocating his family to Canada, where they have never lived (except his wife went to college here), because of Trump.
EDITED: 8 Mar 2017 19:25 by DSMITHHFX
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 8 Mar 2017 22:53
To: milko 82 of 85
People have always been this stupid, just taken a while to be demonstrated clearly enough.
From: koswix 8 Mar 2017 23:28
To: milko 83 of 85
I liked the film Idiocracy. I don't like it do much any more.
From: milko 8 Mar 2017 23:31
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 84 of 85
I would probably describe it as the systems of power exploiting the stupidity have become more successful, but yeah probably.
From: ANT_THOMAS24 Mar 2017 18:53
To: ALL85 of 85
Another month rolls on by.