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From: graphitone23 Jul 2016 20:28
To: ALL1 of 38
We're off on our holidays to France next Friday and I'm trying to update our TomTom with a french map. I didn't realise they were expensive things - they want to charge me £20 for the priviledge. As I can be tighter than Bruce Lee's pants at the start of Enter the Dragon, I was looking for a jimmed alternative. Does anyone know of the best place to get an update?

In case it's a relevant point, my TomTom's a 'Start 50'  - I have no idea if there are different maps for different devices. :/
From: ANT_THOMAS23 Jul 2016 20:57
To: graphitone 2 of 38
Start on this forum -
From: graphitone23 Jul 2016 21:14
To: ANT_THOMAS 3 of 38
Cheers - so fastactivate is essentially a crack for the tomtom allowing you to shoehorn extras in.
From: ANT_THOMAS23 Jul 2016 21:37
To: graphitone 4 of 38
I think so. I tried it with my parents really old TomTom but kept getting the wrong versions of the software, and the downloads were taking forever so I gave up eventually. But it looks like it should work if you RTFM.
From: graphitone24 Jul 2016 08:16
To: ANT_THOMAS 5 of 38
Arse biscuits.

According to this page on that site, mine's a non-browsable device. :C

I'd hazard that they're locking them down more to stop us enterprising types from getting freebies.
From: koswix24 Jul 2016 09:13
To: graphitone 6 of 38
Phone with Google maps?
From: ANT_THOMAS24 Jul 2016 09:34
To: graphitone 7 of 38
What kos said, or waze. If you've got free data roaming.

Though doesn't Google maps let you cache an offline area and it now offers navigation? Just no traffic updates
From: koswix24 Jul 2016 11:05
To: ANT_THOMAS 8 of 38
Three do a 1 month contract for 20 quid with unlimited data, and I think France is included in free roaming. 20 quid for all your data needs plus maps is decent, I reckon.
From: ANT_THOMAS24 Jul 2016 11:08
To: koswix 9 of 38
Used to be £12.90 :@

But yeah, roaming on three when abroad is great
From: koswix24 Jul 2016 11:11
To: ANT_THOMAS 10 of 38
Aye, and a night in the pub, a film and a bag of chips on the way home used to leave Manthorp with change from 5 Bob.
From: graphitone24 Jul 2016 11:59
To: koswix ANT_THOMAS 11 of 38
Yep, that's the backup plan!

I've got an old phone I could repurpose for the trip.

Cheers guys.
From: william (WILLIAMA)24 Jul 2016 12:16
To: graphitone 12 of 38
Or phone with Navmii. Free world maps that you can download.

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)24 Jul 2016 16:09
To: ALL13 of 38
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)27 Jul 2016 01:17
To: ALL14 of 38
I tried a Mapedy app "Map of Canada" and downloaded free maps of Ontario & Quebec. It actually works pretty good in remote areas such as Bon Echo Provincial Park where we just spent a couple of days. Doesn't need wifi either.
EDITED: 27 Jul 2016 01:26 by DSMITHHFX
From: graphitone27 Jul 2016 08:09
Sounds good, I'll check out their French offerings.
From: graphitone27 Jul 2016 21:41
Yep, looks pretty good, though I've not yet found a way to set somewhere other than where you are as a starting point, but not a huge problem.

Thanks for the recommendation. :)
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)28 Jul 2016 00:17
To: graphitone 17 of 38
Yeah I haven't tried to do anything with it, it just seems to handle offline map browsing pretty well.
From: william (WILLIAMA)28 Jul 2016 09:04
To: graphitone 18 of 38
Didn't like Navmii then?
From: Chris (CHRISSS)28 Jul 2016 09:59
To: graphitone 19 of 38
Googley Maps does that. You can pick the area you want it to download to use offline. Used it while on holiday in Tenerife and it worked great.
From: graphitone28 Jul 2016 10:34
To: william (WILLIAMA) 20 of 38
Ahem, I read your post and totally forgot about it.  :-$

I came back to the thread yesterday and didn't reread the whole thing. I'll have a look at that tonight amid all the last minute packing.  :-/
EDITED: 28 Jul 2016 15:37 by GRAPHITONE