
From: william (WILLIAMA)11 Jul 2016 18:06
To: koswix 8 of 11
I spent far more time on the internet at work.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)11 Jul 2016 21:03
To: ALL9 of 11
Don't use ABP, use uBlock Origin. (Whatever device or browser you're on.)

Also consider uMatrix to block all scripts and resources and then selectively enable only the ones you need. (It can be a bit of a pain when visiting new domains, but it helps massively with preventing unnecessary crap from clogging your browser+connection and you soon get used to figuring out what's essential/useful/unnecessary when a site doesn't work.)

From: koswix11 Jul 2016 22:41
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 10 of 11
I switched to ublock a while ago and find it a tad aggressive, and the ui isn't very intuitive.

Haven't yet worked out a quick and simple way to add a site to a white list, or to selectively re-enable elements on a page.
EDITED: 11 Jul 2016 22:41 by KOSWIX
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)11 Jul 2016 23:24
To: koswix 11 of 11
Change your filter selection if it's too aggressive.

Four clicks to get to the Whitelist section might be annoying if it was a regular feature, but I think I may have used it once or twice tops, so... *shrug*

If it bugs you that much: