Raspberry Pi 3

From: koswix 2 Mar 2016 13:37
To: ANT_THOMAS 23 of 29
From: ANT_THOMAS 2 Mar 2016 13:56
To: koswix 24 of 29
Mine arrived today too, but my car also wouldn't start this morning so I think that'll sit on the back burner for a little while.

I've always been tempted by the odroids but the huge community of the RPi always sways it for me. Because I'm using the GPIO quite a lot I trust the software to work more reliably and be updated on the RPi.
From: koswix 2 Mar 2016 13:58
To: ANT_THOMAS 25 of 29
Fair enough. But twice the RAM and gigabit Ethernet wired directly to the SoC will make certain stuff a lot more practical.
From: ANT_THOMAS 2 Mar 2016 14:05
To: koswix 26 of 29
RAM I've not been too concerned about (for what I do) but the Gigabit Ethernet which doesn't run off the USB is what the RPis really need.
EDITED: 2 Mar 2016 14:05 by ANT_THOMAS
From: koswix 2 Mar 2016 14:13
To: ANT_THOMAS 27 of 29
I think that the new built in wifi and bluetooth are wired straight to the SoC on the Pi3, so although that's never going to be lightning fast at least it doesn't eat into the USB bandwidth.

I currently have one of these on my desk to play with: https://www.dropbox.com/s/b0sihpxtqxgd8as/2016-03-02%2013.07.28.jpg?dl=0

It has a dual-core ARM Cortex-A9 processor and an Artix-7 FPGA, all controllable either through C or through the horrible, horrible LabVIEW visual programming bollocks.

It's rather nice, can do stupidly fast signal processing with the FPGA. Shame they cost about £200 (that's student pricing  8-O  8-O  8-O ) plus you need a labview license (~£900) to do anything with them.
From: ANT_THOMAS 2 Mar 2016 14:17
To: koswix 28 of 29
I could really do with a job lot of 2 or 4GB microSD cards. Got loads of full size ones that aren't much use now!
From: koswix 2 Mar 2016 15:28
To: ANT_THOMAS 29 of 29
I must have dropped and lost at least 100GB of micro SD cards over the years :$