
From: ANT_THOMAS11 Mar 2016 13:20
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 40 of 111
Not ordered any PCBs, parts haven't arrived to test yet, and I keep having different ideas for design.

What battery do you use? An 18650?

I've had a little look at using a Nokia BL-5C battery because they seem to be the most readily available flat cheap li-ion battery.

I was wondering whether to include a charging circuit, but it would probably be better just to replace the battery with a charged one since they're less than £1 each.

So I'd drop the 4.2V to 3.3V with a regulator, maybe put a voltage sensing bit in like yours to check the battery. I wonder if the ESP8266 can be put to sleep as well as the Arduinos can.
From: koswix11 Mar 2016 13:43
To: ANT_THOMAS 41 of 111
I've seen a couple of his videos, could listen to his voice for hours. Like a posh Kenny.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)11 Mar 2016 13:58
To: ANT_THOMAS 42 of 111
A NL-5C would be nice to sit under the board. How do you connect up to them and are they only £1? I have a load of 18650 batteries from a dead laptop I'm using.

A regulator drains too much power even when it's doing nothing so best to avoid using one. I've got a diode between one of the output pins and the power input to the radio which I switch on and off when needed, drops the voltage for the radio. I don't think it's a proper way of doing things but it works.

The voltage sensing is all internal to the ATmega chip if it's powered directly from the battery. Nice and easy to do.

All sorts of tweaks you can do and things you can switch off to minimise the power draw when sleeping.
From: ANT_THOMAS11 Mar 2016 14:19
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 43 of 111
Diode is a nice way to drop the voltage without a regulator. Looking on AliExpress the NL-5Cs are currently 81p. I'd either need to buy some sort of holder/mount which I bet is more expensive than the battery itself, or go for a screw and couple of pins to secure the battery.

I was thinking the same, to have it sat behind the board.

I've got a load of 18650s in a drawer too.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)11 Mar 2016 15:52
To: ANT_THOMAS 44 of 111
If I didn't have so many 18660s I'd consider getting some of them. Actually I probably have an old mobile I can rip a battery out of to see how well it would work.

Easy method to fix one in place here http://strofoland.com/arduino-projects/nokias-bl-4c-battery-holder-in-just-5-minutes/
From: ANT_THOMAS14 Mar 2016 10:50
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 45 of 111
ESP8266 modules have arrived. I can already think of a load of things other than temperature sensors that I want to make. Definitely going to end up ordering some more.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)14 Mar 2016 21:20
To: ANT_THOMAS 46 of 111
Are they little WiFi modules? Easy to use? What else you planning with them?
From: ANT_THOMAS14 Mar 2016 22:34
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 47 of 111
Once I figured out how to program it, wiring etc, it is now fairly easy.

I'll build a programming board at some point so I can just plug in the USB serial adapter and an esp8266 module.

Once it's programmed you can just power it up without all the buttons and adapters.
From: ANT_THOMAS16 Mar 2016 00:03
To: ALL48 of 111
Made a quick test setup to see how well my new sketch works.

Pretty simple setup which I might solder to a protoboard

ams1117-3.3 regulator module
ds18b20 temp sensor module

Rather than running a webserver on the esp8266 and another system requesting the data, the esp8266 now uses a http get command to send the data itself. This will mean once I tidy up the code I can have it deep sleeping when it's not needed, rather than being awake and ready to send.
From: ANT_THOMAS17 Mar 2016 23:16
To: ALL49 of 111
Made a programming board

And made a temperature sensor board to play with

From: ANT_THOMAS20 Mar 2016 14:24
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 50 of 111
Turns out the ESP8266 can run off 4.2V so you can connect a lithium battery direct without a regulator to waste energy. 3x rechargeable AAs work well direct. Next step is to sort the deep sleep code.

I've bought some lithium charging boards to use to protect against over discharge. Another few weeks to wait!
EDITED: 20 Mar 2016 14:26 by ANT_THOMAS
From: Chris (CHRISSS)21 Mar 2016 10:08
To: ANT_THOMAS 51 of 111
Interesting. I didn't realise they could be run on their own. I assumed they needed an Arduino to connect up to. I wonder how well they run in sleep mode compared to an Atmega with RF24 radio connected.
From: ANT_THOMAS21 Mar 2016 10:29
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 52 of 111
The ESP-01 model (which I have) has 2 GPIO pins that are useful for stuff. The other models (eg ESP-12F) which have more pins available are a bit larger and look to be more fiddly to use, but I still might buy a couple since they're less than £1.50 each, you can get a mounting board for about 10p anyway.



To use deep sleep you need access to GPIO 16, which isn't normally available on the ESP-01 (only GPIO 0 and 2). You need to do this...
(and my soldering iron tip is too fat :C )

From: Chris Cooper (DEATHTERRAPIN)21 Mar 2016 18:28
To: ANT_THOMAS 53 of 111
I just got an esp-12f, not sure what I'm going to do with it, but for £1.57 including the adapter board it was hard to resist.
Soldering it onto the board was a bit of a pain though, and its too wide to use on a single breadboard.
From: ANT_THOMAS21 Mar 2016 19:20
To: Chris Cooper (DEATHTERRAPIN) 54 of 111
Nice, you'll definitely be able to deep sleep with that then.

In deep sleep I think it's in the microamp range for power consumption.

I've read various reports of it now always waking from deep sleep which doesn't sound promising.
From: Chris Cooper (DEATHTERRAPIN)21 Mar 2016 20:52
To: ANT_THOMAS 55 of 111
Yeah, I think I saw something about that as well. Doesn't really bother me at the moment, need to think of something to use it for first!
From: ANT_THOMAS21 Mar 2016 20:59
To: Chris Cooper (DEATHTERRAPIN) 56 of 111
I actually thought you were the other Chris earlier :$

Sensors, switches, stuff to remotely control
From: Chris Cooper (DEATHTERRAPIN)21 Mar 2016 22:17
To: ANT_THOMAS 57 of 111
My next project is actually an 8x8x8 LED cube, just ordered the esp on a whim alongside the bits for that. Still waiting for my LEDs to turn up though.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)21 Mar 2016 23:40
To: ANT_THOMAS 58 of 111
Haha. I read your post and thought that was to me and got very confused :)

I'll stick to my RF24 radios for now, at least for my temp sensors because I've got them working nicely. I'll definitely consider them for other things though.

What you got planned for them?
From: ANT_THOMAS22 Mar 2016 00:10
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 59 of 111
My RF24 temp sensors are working well, but for some reason I don't like them. Range is ok but not as good as I expected, the kitchen one occasionally drops out (and that's got a proper antenna rather than an onboard one), even the bedroom one isn't always 100% and that's in the room above the RPi. It's easier to extend a WiFi network than an RF24 network - I've already got an AP at either sides of the house.