And everything is just peachy-keen in the Land of The Great White North. All Lovey-Dovey up there, what with your rising unemployment and immigration putting the squeeze on health and other services.
Ain't life grand when the gummint provides free shit (especially for immigrants)? But then, the Libs will have many more voters available to continue voting for free shit. ;)
Was a time when immigrants came here, they worked hard, raised their families, started businesses... earned their way. Now they come over and hold their hands out to Democrats in exchange for votes. (fail)
Uhhh. that is not bigotry, mate. Just because I do not agree with opinions of others here, does not make me a bigot. Actually, that would make many members of Teh bigots; many of you have rejected out of hand any opinion different than your own, regarding your positions as being superior or correct. To whit:
If you are referring to a comment I made about immigration, I have no problem with people of any ethnicity coming here, as long as they can support themselves. The problem I have is with people who come here to freeload. They don't work and expect the rest of us to provide for them. That's not the way it should be.
If I don't qualify for GSM to emigrate to Australia, does that make Australia a country of bigots, or are they just protecting themselves from freeloaders? We have plenty of freeloaders here already, and I don't care what colour they are or belief set they have - if they refuse to work because they are lazy and want to suck the government teat - I have a problem with that.
As far as obamacare goes, one would have to be living in a vacuum to not know that it is not working. I said I would leave it for you to decipher the data, frankly because there are so many angles it boggles the mind. Also, if I had provided links and evidence, the attack would have been the source or the content's being wrong. That's what you lot often do. As a matter of fact, I provided links in a recent post that were ignored totally.
I'd like to see your face on that one. Being judgemental is not a complimentary personality trait in most circles. But it is something widely accepted here at Teh, particularly if the poster happens to be American. Or, as you lot like to refer to us as, 'Merkins. Incidentally, I am generally thought to be honest. sometimes brutally so. I am also generally thought by my peers to be self-aware. Sorry I can't provide links to prove that, but I suspect that by your post you self-consider yourself to be self-aware.
Hand waving? Right. Talking a lot a not clearing anything up means not changing my opinion and agreeing with you. So what is the "generally accepted "fact"? By the by, just because many people believe a thing does not make it true. Such as, the world being flat, or Teh Forum members always thinking that only they are right. That is my perception of how things are.
They name streets after people like that: One-way. Perhaps that is why your site isn't *"busy"? The Hive mentality can make it a challenge for folks to stick around when they don't assimilate. ;) How is that for honesty?
* In all fairness to Teh, I am not aware of any Beehive site that is busy.
You're still here. You must enjoy being mentally challenged.
> Being judgemental is not a complimentary personality trait in most circles.
There's a difference between being discerning and being a snob.
Of course it's also possible to be both, and there is plenty of condescension towards the skin sacks that share your national vicinity from the fleshy farts that fill the landmass I reside within - and this forum isn't much different from offliners in that respect (except perhaps that there's a slightly higher concentration of good judgemental here), and ... well Americans probably do get it worst, particularly recently, but they also share the abuse with French and Germans and others. Still, as Swedish dairyman says, at least the bloody British are not as bad as the Kangaroo-fucking Kiwis.
I'm not sure I've ever assimilated into the hive mind as you put it and I've been here about 7 years. I've never been to a meat, but feel I know most of the people here well enough to count them as friends people I frequently talk to on the internet.
I do live in Yorkshire though, so maybe I'm foreign enough to be excluded. :J
However, though I don't post a huge amount here, I do read the threads every day, so something keeps pulling me back, and it's not just PB's profile picture.
I think it's the honest, easy going nature of people here. Also, it's a great place to throw a question out and get an answer back without the barrage of trolling that happens elsewhere. Plus, people are helpful. Mostly. Well Milko once showed me a picture of his bike. I was disappointed it didn't have spokey dokes.
I've found it a bit different in the political realm, but perhaps given the membership that is to be expected. We are coming at things from different mindsets.
That is true enough. Technically, there are many here who are extremely well-versed with things electronica, etc.
His bike, eh? Is that what you're calling it? Lucky dog, then. ;-P