Dump Trump

From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)29 Apr 2016 17:37
To: ALL164 of 207
Here's one canuckian pundit who thinks Trump could win general election:
From: fixrman30 Apr 2016 11:33
To: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 165 of 207
Trump is, quite frankly, a bloviating buffoon. But is he saying anything different from obama, or clintoon - perhaps what she wants to say, even? Well, except for the femme card bit, but even the most staunch Democrat would have to truthfully admit she plays the femme card, a lot.

It is too soon to say anything is in the can, except for American politics. I'd like to see our campaigns not start two years in advance; 90 days should be enough for anybody to get a political platform out and for the voters (Electoral College) to decide the outcome.

From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)30 Apr 2016 21:25
To: fixrman 166 of 207
"But is he saying anything different from obama, or clintoon"

They never said the kind of scary things he's saying, and I very much doubt Hillary would even think, let alone say. I don't like Hillary, but I like Trump and for that matter Cruz a whole lot less.
From: fixrman 1 May 2016 13:20
To: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 167 of 207
obamacare isn't scary? "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor; if you like your insurance you can keep your insurance" - that wasn't scary? He's a liar. For that matter, Hillary Clinton is a liar. You don't find her keeping classified Emails scary, and the fact she lied about it? You don't find the fact that she refused to protect "her good friend" in Benghazi scary, and that she lied about it?

I think some things are true: You don't understand what the word "scary" means, or scary is radically different to you than what many other people think; you support left-leaning politics in all forms no matter what, or possibly don't really pay much attention to what political candidates say unless it it differs from what you want to hear.

Didn't you lot in Canada recently vote for a political outsider, a non-connected, unproven guy?

From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 1 May 2016 13:39
To: fixrman 168 of 207
obamacare isn't scary?


"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor; if you like your insurance you can keep your insurance" - that wasn't scary?


Obamacare didn't go nearly far enough, but it's a vast improvement over the rapidly deteriorating 'status quo'. So you and people like you already had health insurance and access to health care. Bully for you. Millions of Americans who didn't now do. That's the whole point of Obamacare. Got a better idea? Let's hear it.

You don't find her keeping classified Emails scary

No. Keeping emails 'off the record' has become standard m-o for politicians everywhere who dislike accountability. That would be all politicians, everywhere. Doesn't make it right, doesn't make Hillary the scapegoat, either.

Remember Snowden? All your classified shit's public knowledge anyway.

Stop doing crazy stupid stuff in secret and think nobody will ever find out, is all the advice I can provide.

You don't find the fact that she refused to protect "her good friend" in Benghazi scary

She didn't refuse to protect anybody. Hindsight is 20 20.

Overthrowing Ghadaffi was a castrophic mistake. The drone war is an ongoing, catastophic mistake. Failing to close Gitmo is an ongoing, catastrophic mistake. Hello ISIS!

Anyone with a lick of sense can see that, and all Americans have paid and will continue to pay a heavy, heavy price for it. Not to mention a lot of folks around the world, but clearly they don't count (and you can call that the mother of all mistakes).

Putting Trump in the White House would be a mistake on a whole other level of magnitude.

EDITED: 1 May 2016 13:40 by DSMITHHFX
From: fixrman 3 May 2016 01:41
To: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 169 of 207
Obamacare didn't go nearly far enough, but it's a vast improvement over the rapidly deteriorating 'status quo'.

It is failing miserably, more so every couple of months. Paying attention to the insurance companies pulling out, watching premiums rise? But I get it. You want the government teat.

So you and people like you already had health insurance and access to health care. Bully for you.

Up yours, asswipe. I paid for healthcare out of my own pocket because my employer didn't offer it. The millions of people who didn't have heathcare didn't want it. They also didn't want jobs, preferring to suck the government teat. I paid for healthcare for me and my son because that is what a responsible parent does. A responsible parent also gets a job and works. A responsible parent finds a way. The percentage of people who didn't have insurance before does not match up with the people who signed up, nor does it coincide with the people still paying. A large percentage never paid the first premium, or they only paid one premium - or their plan was canceled. You are a fool if you think obamacare was about insurance, or was anything other than trying to stimulate buying through forced taxation. How naive.

You on obamacare, by the way, since you know how good it is and all?

She didn't refuse to protect anybody.

People who really know will not agree at all with your statement. Some of 'em write for the Daily Mail.  ;)


From: koswix 3 May 2016 07:34
To: fixrman 170 of 207
>>The percentage of people who didn't have insurance before does not match up with the people who signed up, nor does it coincide with the people still paying. A large percentage never paid the first premium, or they only paid one premium - or their plan was canceled.

Got any sources to back those claims up? Genuinely interested.
From: fixrman 3 May 2016 10:44
To: koswix 171 of 207
There are lots. I actually have a problem with the statistics and sources though, because they are so many ways the data have been compiled it makes for quite a confusing read. I went through several sources to try to find good, raw data for ACA enrollment viability; the temptation for many is to write a search string such as, "obamacare sucks and here's why", but that is only confirmation bias. Finding a reliable source for information is tough, so I will leave it to you to find a source.

About the best I could find is this: Prior to obamacare, there were some 43 million (an argued number) uninsured, for a variety of reasons. After forcing people to buy insurance - and here is where it gets tough: somewhere between 9 million and 16 million people bought insurance. Or tried to. Or signed up. Or they signed up and paid for one month. Or they signed up and promised to pay and never did. Sigh.

Others, like me, had their policy canceled because it was ACA non-compliant. Some of those bought insurance for one month or longer, or took the penalty and didn't buy insurance. It is a difficult slog to figure out what the numbers are because there are so many variables. Incidentally, one of the reasons my policy was canceled (covering me and my son) was because it did not cover maternity care, for two males. The policy was 2.35 times more expensive than my previous policy, had a $12,000.00 deductible and less coverage.

Anyway, guessing at the end result is a challenge. It appears to me that of the 43 million uninsured ( a number given to help "sell" obamacare), perhaps 6% obtained and kept insurance - but even that is a disputed number.

All I can say is, according to people who have obamacare and use it, it is a mixed bag. Maybe half say it works, the other half say the coverage sucks. I do a lot of medical transport, so I hear a lot of comments. Most of my clients are on fixed or limited incomes. There are a number of insurance companies who have already canceled their coverage and no longer sell ACA insurance because it was not profitable for them. Next up: Insurance company bailout.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 3 May 2016 14:37
To: fixrman 172 of 207
Insurance and hmo lobbyists, corrupt congress and chump citizens what vote for 'em, and Republican obstructionists get to own this sorry mess.

Me, I'm on the Gold Standard, thanks for axing.

Good luck!
From: fixrman 4 May 2016 01:35
To: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 173 of 207
Insurance and hmo lobbyists, corrupt congress and chump citizens what vote for 'em, and Republican obstructionists get to own this sorry mess.

And everything is just peachy-keen in the Land of The Great White North. All Lovey-Dovey up there, what with your rising unemployment and immigration putting the squeeze on health and other services.

Ain't life grand when the gummint provides free shit (especially for immigrants)? But then, the Libs will have many more voters available to continue voting for free shit.  ;)

Was a time when immigrants came here, they worked hard, raised their families, started businesses... earned their way. Now they come over and hold their hands out to Democrats in exchange for votes.  (fail)

From: Manthorp 4 May 2016 08:14
To: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 174 of 207
Don't bother Smiffy, 'e's not werf it. Like arguing with a brick.  A bigoted brick.
From: fixrman 4 May 2016 10:38
To: Manthorp 176 of 207
Et tu, Brute?

This discourse serves to say that no matter what political system one lives under, one becomes inured to it. Those who are free cannot understand those who are repressed, those who have become accustomed to being taxed into oblivion cannot understand those who question taxation. Or giving up rights.

It is important to note that as far as bricks and bigots go, you two would do well to look in the mirror; that is, if you can get your asses and noses lowered.
EDITED: 4 May 2016 10:39 by FIXRMAN
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 4 May 2016 13:48
To: fixrman 177 of 207
Medicare is under pressure here, as it is in most industrialized northern countries, not least because we did not have enough immigration.

I'll leave you work out the math on that.
EDITED: 4 May 2016 13:50 by DSMITHHFX
From: Dave!! 4 May 2016 15:54
To: fixrman 178 of 207
Name one thing that Steve or Dan have said which is bigoted...
From: graphitone 4 May 2016 16:54
To: Dave!! fixrman 179 of 207
And name one time that Manthorp has had his ass in the air...



From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 4 May 2016 17:40
To: Dave!! 180 of 207
They're bigoted against bigots?

From: Dave!! 4 May 2016 18:45
To: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 181 of 207
Ahh, didn't think of that you intolerant tard  :-P
EDITED: 4 May 2016 18:45 by DAVE!!
From: fixrman 5 May 2016 01:51
To: Dave!! 182 of 207
Oh, sorry. Perhaps I should have said, Judgemental.

Name one thing I have said to be called a bigot.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 5 May 2016 03:36
To: fixrman 183 of 207
Nothing wrong with being judgemental so long as it's honest and self-aware.

>Name one thing I have said to be called a bigot.

You've espoused quite a few positions on things without backing them up. When challenged. you wave your hands and talk a lot without really clearing anything up.

In fact, when challenged to back something up regarding healthcare recently you said something like "I have a problem with the statistics" and then mumbled on with some anecdotal nonsense. Of course stats can be manipulated but when you're routinely disagreeing with generally accepted fact without providing a convincing rationale for that disagreement then you should probably at least consider a re-evaluation.

EDITED: 5 May 2016 03:37 by X3N0PH0N