I'd like to see the facts behind that statement.
You think "widespread disaffection is limited to the "American hinterland", given that "There's a lot of economic misery and fear afoot"? You think that is limited to the middle class and rural areas? Please explain. How is there disaffection in one place yet misery and fear - lots? Aren't they both country-wide?
Trump has WAY more than Hillary's propensity to play the femme card, anyone has - he just hasn't used any of it yet. Clinton IS the war on women, but there is so much more negative to her, defeating her should be like shooting fish in a barrel.
Jason Fuller:
But what do credentials matter when you are lacking in judgement? Credentials are fine, but credentials do not illustrate a person’s behavior, attitude, or ability to perform. Sanders is right to question Hillary Clinton’s judgement on critical issues. Her previous votes to support expanded US involvement in the Middle East, as well as her strong financial ties to corrupt banks and corporations, clearly demonstrate that she does not have the integrity or decision-making capability we need in a truly strong Commander-in-Chief. Hillary Clinton is unable to make good decisions the first time; she even at one time supported Donald Trump’s border wall before adopting her currently more moderate tone on immigration policy. And while it’s certainly progress that she has seemingly “evolved” on so many issues over the years, the President of the United States often has just ONE chance to make the right decision on critical issues of national and economic security. Do we really want to elect someone who has proven time and time again that she does not have the capacity to do this?
*My comment
Harry, where is your source on the above? Are you the party insider or the billionaire funder?
Well-connected didn't seem to serve her well as SOS. How will it translate to a higher position? Tell me: What did she accomplish as SOS that makes her more qualified than anyone else to be POTUS? What world leader will listen to her based on her accomplishments?
Obamacare didn't go nearly far enough, but it's a vast improvement over the rapidly deteriorating 'status quo'. So you and people like you already had health insurance and access to health care. Bully for you. Millions of Americans who didn't now do. That's the whole point of Obamacare. Got a better idea? Let's hear it.
No. Keeping emails 'off the record' has become standard m-o for politicians everywhere who dislike accountability. That would be all politicians, everywhere. Doesn't make it right, doesn't make Hillary the scapegoat, either.
Remember Snowden? All your classified shit's public knowledge anyway.
Stop doing crazy stupid stuff in secret and think nobody will ever find out, is all the advice I can provide.
She didn't refuse to protect anybody. Hindsight is 20 20.
Overthrowing Ghadaffi was a castrophic mistake. The drone war is an ongoing, catastophic mistake. Failing to close Gitmo is an ongoing, catastrophic mistake. Hello ISIS!
Anyone with a lick of sense can see that, and all Americans have paid and will continue to pay a heavy, heavy price for it. Not to mention a lot of folks around the world, but clearly they don't count (and you can call that the mother of all mistakes).
Putting Trump in the White House would be a mistake on a whole other level of magnitude.
It is failing miserably, more so every couple of months. Paying attention to the insurance companies pulling out, watching premiums rise? But I get it. You want the government teat.
Up yours, asswipe. I paid for healthcare out of my own pocket because my employer didn't offer it. The millions of people who didn't have heathcare didn't want it. They also didn't want jobs, preferring to suck the government teat. I paid for healthcare for me and my son because that is what a responsible parent does. A responsible parent also gets a job and works. A responsible parent finds a way. The percentage of people who didn't have insurance before does not match up with the people who signed up, nor does it coincide with the people still paying. A large percentage never paid the first premium, or they only paid one premium - or their plan was canceled. You are a fool if you think obamacare was about insurance, or was anything other than trying to stimulate buying through forced taxation. How naive.
You on obamacare, by the way, since you know how good it is and all?
People who really know will not agree at all with your statement. Some of 'em write for the Daily Mail. ;)
And everything is just peachy-keen in the Land of The Great White North. All Lovey-Dovey up there, what with your rising unemployment and immigration putting the squeeze on health and other services.
Ain't life grand when the gummint provides free shit (especially for immigrants)? But then, the Libs will have many more voters available to continue voting for free shit. ;)
Was a time when immigrants came here, they worked hard, raised their families, started businesses... earned their way. Now they come over and hold their hands out to Democrats in exchange for votes. (fail)