That's because, unless talking about a specific set of people (mainly Democrats and low-information voters), she's not likeable. Older women don't like HRC and neither do young women.
Hillary? Charisma? Are you sure you aren't talking about Bill C. in a dress?
I think they do care and will care more. She has honesty problems; the Email bit does actually have serious implications, especially considering David Petreaus' fate. What Clinton did - or allowed to have happen - is worse many times over. Clinton's problem is that she continued to lie about it, try to deflect it and of course - blame the ever present (to her) "vast Right-Wing Conspiracy". Uhuh. :-/
I'd wager a bet that soon Bernie Sanders does an about-face and begins attacking her, as he needs to do if he really wants to win.
> Maybe if we are lucky...
> ...
> This is a problem...
It's funny that you think things run on American money, we think it runs on London and Chinese money.
Presidents are not picked by "winning" an election, they are picked by "avoiding loosing".
You might be right, but my perception is slightly different.
If you look at how Reagan changed the party from "Pre - Reagan" to a "Post Reagan" era, it was by uniting three versions of conservatism:
- Fiscal conservatives - These were "original republicans", many are socially fairly liberal.
- Religious conservatives - These were originally the Southern Democrats, and more or less where Cruz pulls support
- Big Government skepticism conservatives. - These were mostly original Republicans, also many are more open minded that you might think. They are nearly libertarian in thinking - Rand Paul
These three groups all sort of put up with each other, but it isn't that they fit together perfectly.
Cruz can only pull from the religious conservatives, and a few fiscal conservatives, but he has virtually no backing from the rest of the historical republican voters. Romney lost for the same reason, the voters stayed hone or voted third party just out of protest.
I am not sure how Hillary fits into your thinking about being even slightly part of one of those 3 historical parts of the Republican party, but maybe I am missing something.
As far as Trump causing local elections to move toward the DNC - I really doubt it. The DNC lost those elections - when they could have won, because Bloomberg pushed Obama to go after gun ownership. They won't admit it, but it was really that simple. The ongoing siege of (many) personal rights by Clinton and Bloomberg will keep many actually decent dem candidates out of office.
Republicans that loose elections will be looking to blame someone, but it will be because of what they have done, or not done, not because of Trump.
I am not really sure that it will weaken or destroy the RNC party, but it might move it more toward middle of the road politics than it's somewhat over the top religious bent right now.