Oneplus Two invites

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)25 Nov 2015 00:28
To: ANT_THOMAS 25 of 27
1. Anything else.

2. In a variety of sizes to allow users to select their preference.

3. 1+√5:2

From: Chris (CHRISSS)25 Nov 2015 12:42
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 26 of 27
Get an old iPhone. 3:2 screen, close to your 3.2:2.

I read something about issues with the home button on the Oneplus Two. Something about grounding problems.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)25 Nov 2015 23:51
To: ALL27 of 27
Well I did it.

After what initially seemed like a nice checkout screen but turned into a clunky bugfest (hopefully not an omen), I managed to put my order in, get through the shitness of Paypal, complete the payment without being declined (usually the arsewits at PP screw it up), and have received the relevant confirmations.

Now I just need to forget about it for the next 5-10 days so I'm not getting all het up waiting for it. And hope that it doesn't get tangled in the influx of orders they'll probably get over the weekend, where it'll be open ordering (no invite required).

Thanks G! (woot)