I expected better from you, Peter. Resorting to base expletives is a rather low form of wit, don't you think?
Try replacing "fuck" with "intercourse" and see how it sounds.
I don't want to turn away migrants and asylum seekers, but I do want to prevent illegal immigration and scoundrels from entering anyone's country - just as I want to make sure that guns don't get into the hands of a schizophrenic, psycopath, sociopath, manic-depressive, paranoiac, drug addict or a Methodist.
Consider what that indicates.
> illegal immigration
What makes a person moving from one free country to another illegal?
> and scoundrels
Violence begets violence.
If you want to stop it, determine what actions combined to cause innocent children to grow into murderers.
I did. My reply remains the same.
What makes a person moving from one free country to another illegal?
Please don't play at being deliberately obtuse, Peter. You know full well the difference between legal and illegal immigration, but if you are unsure, you have the wherewithal to look it up.
That's great Pete, but that only helps future children, and only then if one does something after determining the cause. What is your plan for that? What do we do about the ones that are already screwed up? They are young adults or adults, so their behavioural patterns are likely pretty well set in stone. How do we deal with them effectively to prevent violence?
Not everyone, just those who want one and are legally allowed to own a gun. Where did I ever say that everyone should carry a gun? You are using words that I have not.
People who own a gun should be proficient in the use of a gun and should know how to handle the gun responsibly. People who have a CCP should be held to a higher standard so that, in the event they need to use the weapon for self-defense - they hit what they aim. It should be ready, aim fire - not fire, ready, aim as it too often is.
Seems you're just reading the words and not what I wrote. Don't worry, I'll just go cry into a pizza about how nobody even tries to understand.