phantom js 2.0

From: Matt11 Sep 2015 18:24
To: Mizzy 2 of 5
If you're on AWS, and you're worried about what the software might be able to do, why not spin up an instance entirely for it to run on? If it needs anything from the web-server, you can probably rsync it to the instance with PhantomJS on.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)11 Sep 2015 18:52
To: Mizzy 3 of 5
Can you compile & test locally on a near/identical-spec vm?

edit: someone has (allegedly) compiled it for centos7 & made binary available:
EDITED: 11 Sep 2015 18:58 by DSMITHHFX
From: Mizzy11 Sep 2015 19:19
Finally built it, took about 3 hours,
It is built and run up on our test lab I haven't deployed it to prod yet,
I'm going to have a nose and see what it's capable of doing with relation to the application if I can pass the process variables via variables from within the app I'm going to recommend we don't deploy it.
Seems a messy way to grab images or screens for reports anyway, shouldn't it be using a canvas method instead ?
From: Mizzy11 Sep 2015 19:22
If i can't get it from the main repo I have to get it from Git/ source and build it, can't rely on someone else's build unfortunately thanks for the link though.