Scroll bars

From: william (WILLIAMA)10 Aug 2015 09:31
To: ALL1 of 3
I do not like the present MS Windows fashion for hiding scroll bars on scrollable areas of the screen that do do not have focus. Whereas previously I could be working on one area and simply glance across to see how far into a reference  document etc. I am from the scroll bar position, now I have to move the cursor from wherever I'm using it, transfer to the document etc. that I want to check, find the position where hovering will show the scroll bar and then re-find where I was when I return to whatever I'm working on.

Also irritating wherever there's a list (Outlook and so on) where it's sometimes nice to see roughly where you are - i.e. are there loads of items below the position visible, am I at the top of the list etc.

A small rant, but there you have it.
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)10 Aug 2015 19:42
To: william (WILLIAMA) 2 of 3
I for one support you in your rantage.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)10 Aug 2015 21:42
To: william (WILLIAMA) 3 of 3
Microsoft are - like Mozilla and similar groups of incompetent fuckwits - simply copying the example of the fucking idiots at Goappogle.

Removing features and dumbing down interfaces means their designers and developers and everyone has less work to do, and they get to make their money from the people too stupid and/or lazy to complain about functionality they don't know is missing.

Which is annoying enough in itself, but when they also nurture elitism to target those who should know better, brainwashing them into thinking it's cool to have less, and encouraging them to infect their friends with their lack of discernment, it gets even more frustrating.

It's been going on for years, and most people are unaware. Even when specific examples are brought up - unless they've experienced it for themselves and managed to resist the delusion that the implementers must know better - they ignore it, suffer in silence, and think those that complain are loons.
