PC lights on but nobody home

From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)22 Jul 2015 21:11
To: milko 30 of 60
Did you try another psu already? Starting to sound like it's your problem.
From: milko22 Jul 2015 21:23
Would have to buy one to do that I think (though I'll raid the server room at work tomorrow just to check) so I'm trying to avoid it until I'm sure. It is increasingly more likely... But I kinda feel like the motherboard or something on it could yet be the culprit somehow.

After leaving it a while then trying again it switches on and let's me read a good voltage. It really seems that connecting the motherboard is the step that jiggers it and puts the PSU into some kind of safety mode that shuts off the power for a bit.
EDITED: 22 Jul 2015 21:33 by MILKO
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)22 Jul 2015 21:44
To: milko 32 of 60
Maybe it has overheating protection. Does it get noticeably warm?
From: milko22 Jul 2015 22:22
Nope. Also a cold start plugged in is a fail, but while I've got it running in whatever form I can leave it for plenty of time no trouble.
From: william (WILLIAMA)22 Jul 2015 23:19
To: milko 34 of 60
Your theory looks pretty good. I see that the BeQuiet P8 1200W has several clever protective measures which a broken motherboard would probably trigger - like short circuit/under voltage/over voltage etc. etc. all of which turn the PSU off (and probably keep it off for a while).


Edit: not sure that link's right, but I think the tech details are the same.

Edit Edit: the link's OK
EDITED: 22 Jul 2015 23:29 by WILLIAMA
From: milko23 Jul 2015 11:33
To: william (WILLIAMA) 35 of 60
Yeah. Looks like. Hm. Nevertheless, I've ordered a PSU, my thinking being that I can potentially be careful about unpacking and connecting it to the minimal setup (including motherboard) and if it still fails, return it. Whereas if I get a new motherboard and that still fails I'm stuck with it.

No luck on a PSU scrounge in the office so it's done. I really hope it is the PSU because the motherboard's current version costs £275 fucking pounds, there is no way that's getting matched. I wonder what level of downgrade I can get without missing something noticeable.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)23 Jul 2015 14:42
To: milko 36 of 60
I can't believe you BYO and don't have an old, undead PSU squirreled away.

From: milko23 Jul 2015 17:06
Like I say, small flat, big clear out when the baby arrived. I gave the near-complete remains of my PCs previous incarnation to my brother in law.
From: koswix23 Jul 2015 21:34
To: milko 38 of 60
Plenty of room for bikes, though.
From: milko23 Jul 2015 22:06
To: koswix 39 of 60
I have a small shed exclusively reserved for my two plus all their kit, yup. There is actually still a box of PC gubbins around somewhere, but no PSU in there, it's more obscure bits of cabling and whatnot.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)24 Jul 2015 02:02
To: milko 40 of 60
Fess up. The super-annuated PSU is buried in a nearby vacant lot with all kinds of valuable shit your wife can't know about/in your bff's broom closet /with the spare tire in your car. STOP FUCKING LYING.
From: koswix24 Jul 2015 08:30
To: milko 41 of 60
Wow, you keep your bikes in a shed in London and they stay there?
From: milko24 Jul 2015 15:57
To: koswix 42 of 60
Well, I don't want to jinx it. But yeah, sure. I sank a u-lock into a bucket of cement underneath it and cut a hole in the floor when I built the shed, so they lock to that. But so far as I know, nobody's so much as tried yet.

Many of the bad things people say about London ain't really so!
From: koswix24 Jul 2015 16:40
To: milko 43 of 60
>>Many of the bad things people say about London ain't really so!

But then again, much of it is! I'll never forget walking to the bus stop and wondering what all the flowers piled up outside a pub was all about. Turns out a 14 year old kid was stabbed to death when he refused to hand over his mobile :|

As for bikes, I've given up trying to own one in Edinburgh until I have somewhere properly secure to keep it. The best one was when I got home one day to notice my bike had been nicked from the stairwell (D-locked to a sturdy railing, they'd chipped the concrete step away to get the railing out. D'oh). The next morning, after the thieves realised how shit the bike was, it was returned to the stair. Managed to keep hold of it another 3 weeks before it was nicked again, this time for good :(
From: milko24 Jul 2015 16:45
To: koswix 44 of 60
Well yes, unfortunately people get stabbed here sometimes. I don't think that's a particularly London thing though? Seem to be plenty of cities in the UK with a bit of a gang problem. I dunno, maybe there is more of it proportionally to anywhere else, that's some big sums to do. I do live in relatively leafy 'n quiet Ealing though (albeit a bit of the riot happened here the other year too). I was more meaning things like people saying "and nobody ever helps anyone on the Tube!" which I see a lot, but actually I also see a lot of people helping other people on the tube as well. I didn't realise Edinburgh was so positively Liverpudlian with its need for bike security!
From: koswix24 Jul 2015 18:59
To: milko 45 of 60
It was more of the age of those involved that shocked me.
From: milko25 Jul 2015 21:48
To: ALL46 of 60
Absolutely nothing happening. I've got the motherboard out of the case, no ram no graphics, literally just the CPU and cooler (corsair h80i so it's using a few plugs to supposedly power that). The motherboard lights come on as so as I turn on the PSU, but I can't get it to go any further.

Is it possible for the CPU to cause this, or am I pretty much able to blame the motherboard at this point?
From: koswix25 Jul 2015 21:57
To: milko 47 of 60
Any dodgy looking capacitors on the motherboard? I'd suspect motherboard over cpu tbh.
From: milko25 Jul 2015 22:52
To: koswix 48 of 60
I can't see anything, but much of it is covered by this armour stuff which I have liked for durability but maybe not so much now.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)25 Jul 2015 23:28
To: milko 49 of 60
Heat-spreading armour stuff or hardened against nuclear blast armour stuff?