win10 excitement

From: koswix29 Jul 2015 23:35
To: koswix 75 of 123
Still beats multivariate calculus revision :-((
From: koswix30 Jul 2015 00:34
To: koswix 76 of 123
Just done a reset install, and it's still fucked. But now with the added benefit that it's also remove almost every third party application I had installed, despite being told not to :@
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)30 Jul 2015 00:47
To: koswix 77 of 123
From: milko30 Jul 2015 10:54
To: ALL78 of 123
I finally got done! It was RIDICULOUS. My Windows install was so badly fucked by the enforced motherboard swap that I couldn't even use a USB drive. This made it really hard to fix! I had to download the Win 8 ISO using the Windows tool, copy it to my NAS, copy it to my Macbook Pro, use Unetbootin to make a bootable USB from it, boot the PC with that, install that, then install Windows 10 finally. Yeesh it took a long time.

All seems to be running well so far, though I've not tested much in the way of applications properly I will admit. First impressions are that it's "quite nice" so they can put that on the poster if they like.
From: koswix30 Jul 2015 10:59
To: milko 79 of 123
My motherboard isn't fucked, but i'm having to download the ISO and make a USB stick and do a fresh install to solve my issues. Didn't want to do that originally as I wanted to keep all my apps etc., but as the refresh install nuked them anyway then why the fuck not? My data is all seperate from my windows (and safe, or at least it was till my dropbox account ran out of space...).

Just for giggles, I've attached the file that refresh installer left on my desktop to handily let me know what it'd removed. 
From: koswix30 Jul 2015 11:15
To: ANT_THOMAS 80 of 123
Arrrrgghghghgh! Seems my laptop battery is fucked, as it just turned off stone dead with 62% supposedly remaining. 

I was running the media creation tool at the time, about 60% into downloading the iso to make a bootable USB stick.  The tool now won't run, presumably because there's a bunch of temp data confusing it, but I can't find where it's stored it.

Now I can't even download your ISO link, it's giving a 403 error.
From: ANT_THOMAS30 Jul 2015 11:50
To: koswix 81 of 123
Yeah that link looks dead.

I'm currently putting it on my dedicated server if you can wait about 30 mins.
From: koswix30 Jul 2015 11:52
To: ANT_THOMAS 82 of 123
Got the media creation tool to load by running as administrator. Set it to make a USB stick, left it and came back to a 'Something happened' error screen. Don't know if that's because I didn't touch it and the screen went off/possibly to sleep. Running it again now, but if it fails again I'll happily grab it off your server!

How do you make the ISO into a bootable USB stick? I vaguely remember doing it with windows 8, but not how I did it :$
From: ANT_THOMAS30 Jul 2015 11:57
To: koswix 83 of 123
I think the Milky one used unetbootin.

I think even using win32 image writer would work too.
From: koswix30 Jul 2015 12:01
To: ANT_THOMAS 84 of 123
He also said he did it on Mac, so I ignored everything he said and just admired his single-geared bike, beard and dog-eared Jean Paul Sartre book. 
From: koswix30 Jul 2015 12:11
To: ANT_THOMAS 85 of 123
Found a torrent for the ISO, currently getting about 30 k/s from it (fail)
From: ANT_THOMAS30 Jul 2015 12:12
To: koswix 86 of 123
Yeah, I looked for some torrents too. Seems far too much hassle just to get a bloody ISO.
From: koswix30 Jul 2015 12:15
To: ANT_THOMAS 87 of 123
Yup. How's that upload going?  :-O~~~
From: ANT_THOMAS30 Jul 2015 12:17
To: koswix 88 of 123
Done, just md5sum checking. I'll PM you a link in a min.
From: koswix30 Jul 2015 12:21
To: ANT_THOMAS 89 of 123
10 minutes to download 3.8GB? What's the world coming to.

From: ANT_THOMAS30 Jul 2015 12:24
To: koswix 90 of 123
The dedicated server is definitely one of my better investments. Well worth the £30something it costs per year.

I bet it still doesn't work for you though.
From: koswix30 Jul 2015 12:25
To: ANT_THOMAS 91 of 123
Probably not, my laptop is cursed. But at least I get to go 'ooooh' at getting these sorts of speeds over my shitty wifi :D
From: koswix30 Jul 2015 12:27
To: koswix 92 of 123
Closed the media creater tool, and the download's jumped up to 6.5 MB/second. </geek>
From: koswix30 Jul 2015 13:06
To: ANT_THOMAS 93 of 123
All working!

I'm still amazed at how quickly things go these days. Not so long ago reinstalling windows was a good couple of hours or so, and then god knows howlong downloaiding updates on a shitty slow connection. 

Now it's less than 15 minutes using a USB 3 memory stick, an SSD and my stupid-fast broadband and I'm all setup, updated, Chrome installed (and synced to my previous settings/extensions). And now I can change my desktop picture!!?!!!!":"111
From: ANT_THOMAS30 Jul 2015 13:16
To: koswix 94 of 123
I knew downloading the ISO when I didn't really need it would come in handy.