we were getting basically no stories at all (the original death was a small article in some of the press) and then that changed when the rioting kicked off.
It feels to me like the USA is heading towards something of a critical point in this whole too-vast-for-me-to-really comprehend race relations situation.
Apparently Baltimore police have been pulling this shit since forever (as have police in countless other jurisdictions). Interesting role of social networking in bringing it to light, and amplifying the impact by completely bypassing mainstream news reporting which is left spinning/preaching the usual garbage.
People who knew nothing about Ferguson riots able to work out exactly why they happened
A GROUP of people kept in isolation for the last six months has guessed exactly why there are riots in the US town of Ferguson.
According to the Institute for Studies every one of the dozen volunteers immediately said ‘an unarmed black guy was killed by a white policeman who was then let off’.
I thought that too until I watched - the very next night after the riots - a programme about the student protests in the 60s and centred around Kent State.
Now I think I am sorry I asked for katsung to be banned. He made a a lot of sense, in a very convoluted, pretzel, circular logical, nonsensical-yet-whimsical, maniacal sort of way. Well, perhaps a dollop of paranoia as well.
Perhaps I'll go seek him out at Milpitas Library.
Message 41465.19 was deleted
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 5 May 2015 08:36