From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)24 Jul 2018 17:33
To: graphitone 28 of 40
Much as I hated the premise and most all of the FC3 story, it was considerably redeemed by some epic firefights in the last few levels, where (e.g.) you had to rescue dude's bro and he flies a helicopter badly while you man the mounted HMG.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)24 Jul 2018 17:35
To: ALL29 of 40
Also must admit the story in the original Sniper Elite looked promising, I just couldn't get past the hideously awful retro-primitive graphics (which I suppose were cutting edge in their day).
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)24 Jul 2018 22:51
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 30 of 40
Hey shitface, come back and talk to us! :@
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 1 Jan 2021 18:52
To: ALL31 of 40
This is (apparently, going by thread title) something to do with GTAV. Short attention spans. apparently.

Anyhoo, I've been playing this for an hour or two a day for most of the past week, and just as a sandbox, it is fooooking awesome (I did a couple of missions, which are also awesome but maybe too much work to figure out)! I've wound up playing some black petty criminal in the L.A. burbs who's ace at jacking cars, but not necessarily ace at driving (getting better though), deffo ace at crashing cars! I've haven't had so much fun tear-assing around a city creating mayhem since NFSPU. So I jacks a car/truck/ambulance/whatevs, drives it side-swiping, t-boning, rear-ending and front-ending all kinds of other vehicles. Jumping out, taking pot shots at the freeway, and dying in a hail of police bullets soon thereafter. Well, not really dying since I always wind up walking out of the hospital.  :-((  :-O~~~  :-@
From: Dave!! 1 Jan 2021 19:03
GTAV is a very good game, don't want to spoil anything, but you are in for a treat once you start to reach some of the heist missions. They're very well done indeed.

You can also make a *lot* of money with the stock market missions once you get them, but if you want to maximise your profits, it can be advisable to read a guide or two online for how best to play them. You can usually double or even triple your current money if you play them right.
From: graphitone 1 Jan 2021 22:26
Most of the fun I've had in GTA is getting back to basics and playing cops and robbers - see how much carnage I can cause in one spot, then leggit and try to get away from the police. The sports cars are fun, and the customisation in this game can actually have some bearing on gameplay, souping up a fast car or bike with the best armour, bullet proof tyres etc can make a huge difference in some beating some missions.

The story is great, hugely entertaining and tons of twists in the tail.

It's not spoiling anything to say that Trevor's missions may be the most fun, but Michael's story is the best fleshed out.

Also, what Dave!! said about playing the stock market - when those assasination missions turn up, grab a guide and it's possible to make it into the billions of $.

From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 1 Jan 2021 23:01
To: graphitone 34 of 40
Fucking Hell! Something to look forward to. (dance)
From: Dave!! 1 Jan 2021 23:46
Definitely, it's a superb game with a really good plot right the way though. I had a second play of it last year and thoroughly enjoyed it again. Some nice twists and turns along the way as well.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)26 Jan 2021 17:08
To: ALL36 of 40
I got a pretty decent rack of guns with little effort and only $15. FUCK ME, I CAN'T EVEN BUY BULLETS WITH THAT.  (puke)
From: graphitone27 Jan 2021 10:28
:D How far have you got into the game? Have you done any of the heist missions yet?
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)27 Jan 2021 15:49
To: graphitone 38 of 40
No, because I'm lazy AF and I'd rather play a game I've already mastered with all the weaps and a maxed-out bank account. At some point you'd think I'd lose interest in that game and try this here new one real hard. We'll see.
From: graphitone27 Jan 2021 18:43

It doesn't take much to master GTA and once you've got a few heist missions done you'll have enough dollar to purchase the even the largest penis extension. 
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)28 Jan 2021 01:24
To: graphitone 40 of 40
Are you theft-shaming me?