arduino / raspberry pi ?

From: ANT_THOMAS 4 Apr 2015 18:10
To: graphitone 5 of 8
From: koswix 4 Apr 2015 19:26
To: JonCooper 6 of 8
What an and Chris said, really.

Arduino : a very cheap and basic and easy to learn microcontroller. It's really no different to what you'd find running a washing machine, for example. The only difference is that it's been designed for easy learning, easy programming, and super easy to connect sensors etc. to. Typically run at a few Mhz (8 I think, but some are 16) and has a few kb of ram.

Pi: it's an actual computer with a cpu and gpu and all that, and runs Linux (and windows 10 at somepoint). Runs at around 1ghz and has 1gb of ram or more. Only difference between a Pi and a PC us that it's the size of a credit card and a number of the cpu pins are available to connect external sensors etc. to.
From: graphitone 4 Apr 2015 20:13
To: ANT_THOMAS 7 of 8


From: JonCooper 4 Apr 2015 20:48
To: ALL8 of 8
ta guys, I think maybe a Pi is the way to play then