USB Memory Stick Recovery

From: graphitone20 Mar 2015 09:16
To: fixrman 26 of 77
The memory sticks were given out to all teachers 'cos they had an encryption facility built in. The teacher's set their password on the stick's data vault and it's less of an issue if they've got sensitive info about the kids on there if they ever lose it.

She was going to back it up. Honest.

It's only a week or two old, so as people have said, probably something fundamentally wrong with the hardware. She's taking it back to work today to see if they can claim the cost back.
From: fixrman20 Mar 2015 12:02
That's why I don't encrypt anything. I am boner; I don't back up anything.  (pyfitg)
From: fixrman20 Mar 2015 12:02
To: graphitone 28 of 77
Cost? You didn't buy Knoppix, did you?

By the way, I should have warned you to turn the speakers down before you ran Knoppix. Did the girl announcing, "Initiating Startup sequence" startle you?  :-P
EDITED: 20 Mar 2015 12:22 by FIXRMAN
From: graphitone20 Mar 2015 12:45
To: fixrman 29 of 77
No, cost for the stick itself, it's still under warranty, so they should be able to claim it back.

I've not used Knoppix before and the voices did unnerve me a tad. The woman's voice at the start was ok, nice and reassuring, it's when Stephen Hawking took over in the OS itself and started describing everything I was doing. I quite liked the exploding animation when closing down a window. The first time. After that I just wanted it to close down the window and not take 3 seconds over it.  :-&
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)20 Mar 2015 16:20
To: fixrman 30 of 77
My enthusiasm for backups is inversely proportional to time elapsed since disk failure.
From: fixrman20 Mar 2015 17:03
To: graphitone 31 of 77
You can turn that off, but alas - it starts again when rebooted Live.

I wouldn't bother installing it if you were thinking of it; it really isn't meant to be installed.

I like the exploding Windows. I just engaged that on Mint, though it doesn't take 3 seconds, less than 1 actually.

Good luck.
EDITED: 20 Mar 2015 17:06 by FIXRMAN
From: fixrman20 Mar 2015 17:04
Unfortunately, my sentiments are the same.  (fail) Why perform a backup if I can have another pint and not?  (bounce)
EDITED: 20 Mar 2015 17:05 by FIXRMAN
From: Chris (CHRISSS)30 Mar 2015 23:12
To: ALL33 of 77
Same thing but hard drive recovery. I'm not sure it's going to be possible though. My daughter pulled my parents' laptop off the cabinet and it looks like it damaged the HDD. She said it was wroking fine for a bit but after a while it rebooted, then said drive error at post.

My usual GetDataBack can't do anything with it. It recognises the drive but just hangs while Windows is trying to make its mind up.

So, anything else I can try?
From: koswix30 Mar 2015 23:36
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 34 of 77
From: Chris (CHRISSS)30 Mar 2015 23:41
To: koswix 35 of 77
Think I might try that. It worked once years ago.

I booted the laptop from a Linux USB drive and it can mount the partition as read-only but doesn't show any contents.
From: koswix30 Mar 2015 23:50
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 36 of 77
Never tried it, but sounds like it's dead anyway so no harm in giving it a shot.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)31 Mar 2015 00:07
To: koswix 37 of 77
I'm pretty sure it did work. Had a HDD that couldn't be read in Windows, froze it and  when I took it out of the freezer it worked for a little while, long enough to get some data off.

It does look like the drive is dead unfortunately. Nothing backed up from it, years of stuff on there :S Worth a shot at putting it in the freezer.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)31 Mar 2015 01:42
To: ALL38 of 77
Wonderful. I can access the recovery partition fine but the rest just doesn't seem to work :(
From: Chris (CHRISSS)31 Mar 2015 07:35
To: ALL39 of 77
Freezer didn't help. Same thing this morning. Maybe it wasn't in there long enough. More likely it's DEAD.
From: ANT_THOMAS31 Mar 2015 08:53
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 40 of 77
But the recovery partition still works?

dd the whole device to an image.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)31 Mar 2015 08:59
To: ANT_THOMAS 41 of 77
Seems to. I could access the files in the recovery partition from Linux. The other partition showed the size and space used but couldn't shoe any contents.

Worth a try making an image. I'll try and find a HDD large enough when I get home and see if it will work.
From: ANT_THOMAS31 Mar 2015 09:18
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 42 of 77
Data could well be in tact just the FAT is damaged (if it still works like that for NTFS).
From: Chris (CHRISSS)31 Mar 2015 09:40
To: ANT_THOMAS 43 of 77
I think if that's all it was then GetDataBack would have done something. The drive is making funny noises too which definitely isn't a good sign.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)31 Mar 2015 11:14
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 44 of 77
Sounds like physical damage to actuator(s) and/or platter(s).
From: Chris (CHRISSS)31 Mar 2015 13:14
Definitely looks (and sounds) that way. I don't think there's much I can do with it :(