Cities: Skylines

From: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 8 Apr 2015 13:50
To: ALL24 of 29
FFS, I haven't even finished DeusEx - Human Resources yet :-@

But I'm going to buy this, simply because I played SimCity a few months ago and it crashed a few hours into a decent city and I got so peeved that I refused to play it again. No, of course I hadn't saved it.

edit: next thing you're all going to tell me is that Half Life 3 is due for release. F**k!
EDITED: 8 Apr 2015 13:55 by NUKKLEAR
From: graphitone 8 Apr 2015 14:19
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 25 of 29
Not Half Life 3, but how does a new Deux Ex grab you?
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 8 Apr 2015 14:32
To: graphitone 26 of 29
Yeah I know, saw that too... it's really not a good time for me to buy more games, I've got far too much studying to do (for certs)  :'-( 
From: Dave!! 9 Apr 2015 20:14
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 27 of 29
Just to note, I have lost a chunk of gameplay with this because it crashed and I lost about 90 minutes of gameplay.

On the plus side, there's a mod you can get from Steam Workshop that forces it to auto-save every 5 or 10 minutes. I advise using it!
From: Dave!! 9 Apr 2015 20:16
To: graphitone 28 of 29
Oooh! Sounds good! I really enjoyed Human Revolution - even more once they provided that patch to tweak the boss fights a bit. Let's hope this one is as good.
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)10 Apr 2015 14:38
To: Dave!! 29 of 29
Thanks, useful!
I've already wasted about 5-6 hours on it, so easy to lose track of time...