eBay Fees

From: fixrman17 Mar 2015 22:18
To: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 98 of 124
Some of those can easily be fixed up. Just weld in a couple of plates.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)18 Mar 2015 01:42
To: fixrman 99 of 124
Dude! Take two. My final offer.
From: fixrman18 Mar 2015 02:57
To: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 100 of 124
Only two? C'mon, man! Some of those cars are missing headlamps and ornaments...
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)18 Mar 2015 10:42
To: fixrman 101 of 124
Mix'n match.
Message 41424.102 was deleted
From: JonCooper 4 Apr 2015 16:13
To: ALL103 of 124
final result ~

shipping company admitted full responsibility for loss and damage
paid the whole claim in full - buyer as happy as could be expected
From: Chris (CHRISSS) 4 Apr 2015 17:20
To: JonCooper 104 of 124
Awesome. Glad you had a good outcome from it. I was in Tesco earlier thinking of you (NJ) and wondering if any more had happened about it.
From: ANT_THOMAS 4 Apr 2015 17:56
To: JonCooper 105 of 124
That's definitely good news, even if it is bloody annoying and a lot of hassle.
From: JonCooper 4 Apr 2015 20:46
To: ALL106 of 124
the delivery co actually refunded me £2.62 more than I asked for
then I noticed that the paypal fees were £2.62, so that explained that
then paypal refunded the £2.62 as well - so yay, £2.62 up :)
From: fixrman 4 Apr 2015 21:01
To: JonCooper 107 of 124
That's good stuff! Good on you! Everyone happy, all around!  (dance)

So, how's about a pint to celebrate?
EDITED: 4 Apr 2015 21:02 by FIXRMAN
From: JonCooper 4 Apr 2015 21:38
To: fixrman 108 of 124
sounds good, but I barely drink, last was at xmas I think
Message 41424.109 was deleted
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 5 Apr 2015 17:28
To: JonCooper 110 of 124
Ever find out why the clusterfuckstomer signed for it?
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 5 Apr 2015 19:21
To: JonCooper 111 of 124
From: JonCooper 6 Apr 2015 09:34
To: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 112 of 124
he says he isn't well and just asked the guy to 'shove it in the garage', didn't get round to looking at it for a couple of days

tbh, I don't care if he did get a lathe and a refund, I don't think he was on the fiddle, but it didn't cost me anything in the end so I couldn't care less.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 6 Apr 2015 12:08
To: JonCooper 113 of 124
Glad it worked out for you! Makes sense the delivery company would waive their industry-standard-since-forever policy on compassionate grounds (and don't need publicity about smashing and pilfering).
From: graphitone 9 Apr 2015 20:43
To: All 114 of 124
I broke a pair of sunglasses on the weekend, so I'm selling the lenses (linky in case anyone's interested - Oakley half jacket lens kit). I've decided to stick them on ebay for no other reason than I want to get rid of them and it's convenient. Anywho, they've changed the selling procedure since I last used it, and found this suggestion thingy.

The lenses are going for the £20 to £30 mark new, so why it thinks a second hand set would be ripe for the picking at £37.85 is a tad confusing.

EDITED: 9 Apr 2015 21:15 by GRAPHITONE
From: ANT_THOMAS 9 Apr 2015 20:53
To: graphitone 115 of 124
Don't they get more in fees if you start an auction at a higher price?
From: graphitone 9 Apr 2015 20:57
To: ANT_THOMAS 116 of 124
(nod) That's what I thought, but the thing's still got to sell though and there's less chance of that if I'm selling at an inflated price.
EDITED: 9 Apr 2015 20:58 by GRAPHITONE
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 9 Apr 2015 21:11
To: graphitone 117 of 124
I've already got more broken sunglasses than you can shake a stick at. MrsD. wishes I could just THROW ALL THIS SHIT OUT!  :-((  :-((  :-((