Steam sale

From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)13 Apr 2015 17:13
To: ALL44 of 66
Oh and I picked up a gamepad (logitech f310), so I'm going to see how that works (supposedly keyboard & mouse are superior for fps, just want to try it out since I used to play original Ghost Recon with a joystick and that definitely worked better than kb+m). Interestingly, to get the gamepad to work on xp, you have to install ms xbox controller drivers:
From: graphitone13 Apr 2015 17:16
Interestingly, to get the gamepad to work on xp, you have to install ms xbox controller drivers:


Consider it a service.

From: Linn (INDYLS)13 Apr 2015 17:25
If you have any trouble with it get an xbox controller (for pc). I LOVE my controller.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)13 Apr 2015 17:36
To: graphitone 47 of 66
I find it very interesting, fascinating even. Why, don't you? (drool)
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)13 Apr 2015 17:40
To: Linn (INDYLS) 48 of 66
The logitech is half as expensive. I decided to try it out because this game seems to require a lot more keyboard interaction what with kicking, picking up stuff, opening doors and such like. Also driving around is a bit hurky-jerky. Thing needs cruise control.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)13 Apr 2015 23:22
To: Linn (INDYLS) 50 of 66
Works great with the logitech after I followed the guide. Now I have to learn a whole new skill. :-&
From: Linn (INDYLS)14 Apr 2015 13:51
I was a console girl before moving on to pc, so controllers are generally more intuitive for me. I always use one when I can. Except, strangely Human Revolution and the like, where I go back and forth, or forget I could use a controller and go to mouse and keyboard automatically. Strange how your brain gets trained on the first use of something (I played the original Deus Ex with m&k) and has a hard time letting go.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)14 Apr 2015 14:18
To: Linn (INDYLS) 52 of 66
I'm left handed, but acclimated to using the mouse right-handed years ago. I use a wacom tablet left-handed though (can't really handle the stylus with my right too well).

I can already see where the pad is going to work better for some functions than kb-m, not so well for others (having tried it for all of 10 minutes). Oh, and I see DI-R has a 'southpaw' controller preset, so deffo gonna try that.
EDITED: 14 Apr 2015 14:20 by DSMITHHFX
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)27 Apr 2015 19:23
To: ALL53 of 66
So now I'm pushing 40-hours into DI Riptide, and I have to say it has turned out to be a far better game than the original (though that may be partly down to familiarity with basic game mechanics, and me doing stuff better). The plot has had quite a few interesting wrinkles, great new scenery, great weapons made better with poison and vastly superior boss battles (which staggered my pc, TBH). It started out as seeming like a retread, but it is really much more than that, it's actually kind of addictive  :-@
EDITED: 27 Apr 2015 19:24 by DSMITHHFX
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)24 Nov 2017 00:41
To: ALL54 of 66
Got me the GOLD katana tonight, and immediately applied the deathstalker mod to it.

I can die happy now!

But before that, I can kill fuckloads of zombies.  %-)
From: graphitone24 Nov 2017 11:08
I've played a little of Riptide, I like that you can carry on with your character from the previous game with all stats intact, though as the enemies you encounter seem to always be on a par with your level, it doesn't bring any sense of empowerment.

I got a katana towards the end of the first game, I stuck a hot rod mod on it, that was kinda cool looking. The best weapon I got was a two handed sledgehammer (called hammer of Gabriel or some such) with an electro-shock battery mod and spikes. It exploded grunt zombies and sent some of the bigger ones flying.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)24 Nov 2017 15:14
To: graphitone 56 of 66
Yeah the enemies get harder to kill and more dangerous as your "skill" points accumulate. However they both get maxed out which is kind of a bummer.

I used the hotrod mod on a machete, it is kind of cool looking. The "magic wand" mod you described is fabulous, on a gold construction hammer it is really lethal and durable, and can send even thugs flying away and breaking apart on impact. Very good physics on that one. Blade weapons generally have low durability (unless you throw them, which is a bit risky because you can lose them outright) and are expensive to repair, not a good bet if you are goal focused on building a war chest. Mine is fluctuating between $2.5-3m. In a good session I can gain ~$40-50k, and by periodically cashing out diamonds, blades, cans of food, and souvenir photos @ $2k with certain high-paying characters, you get fairly dramatic boost. Each time you get killed, which usually only happens to me when I'm shitfaced drunk, you lose 10%. Such are the economics of zombie-hunting.
EDITED: 9 Jan 2018 17:28 by DSMITHHFX
From: graphitone24 Nov 2017 16:59
Did you ever get to grips with some of the secrets in the first game? I found a few of the skull altars, but had no idea what to do with them - apparently there are some coloured skulls around that need placing there and it gives you... things.  :-/ The wikia is a little vague.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)24 Nov 2017 17:21
To: graphitone 58 of 66

I never even heard of this feature nor do I recall ever having seen any POC skulls. I do remember reading about "Developers No. n Craft" mods, probably on that wiki but never followed up on how to get them.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 7 Dec 2017 18:20
To: ALL59 of 66
Just got back above $3-mil after a brutaltastic monster-killing spree: a 'walking carcass' wrestler, 2 witches, a thug and a couple of rams.

How do I get paid in bitcoin?
From: graphitone 8 Dec 2017 17:04
Not sure, but for sticking with a game for as long as you have, you deserve a service medal, some PTSD treatment and a slew of chiropractic appointments after being at a desk for so long.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 8 Dec 2017 17:16
To: graphitone 61 of 66
Good games are hard to find!

Last night I found that the "burst" rifle (m16, only fires 3-round bursts, no single shot or full-auto) is hella good for killing witches at close range.

This game is deep.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 9 Jan 2018 17:09
To: ALL62 of 66
Latest DIR achievements (not to be confused with 'official' Steam DIR achievements):

- Got another gold auto rifle and modded it with detox rifle mod, giving poisoned bullets. Highly effective against even the hardest bosses, and great for spraying hordes, because it stuns the shit out of any not killed instantly (I already have a gold rifle modded with pride mod, making it gay, obviously).

- Last night I rounded $3.6M after (perhaps unwisely) cashing out a gigantic blade horde (lost count, probably in the 30-40 range) to the blade-buying character holed up in a jungle hidey-hole who pays $2100 each.

- Bonus: I picked up the hitherto unknown (to me) Gold Revolver. I was hoping to mod this with the detox gun mod for the poisoned bullets but alas, this weapon isn't moddable by any of my mods (and pretty sure I've got 'em all). The detox gun mod only works on "pistols" which apparently in the DIR universe excludes "revolvers"  :-(( Still, I have to say it is plenty deadly when aimed for headshots can take out floaters with two shots, regular zombies with one, and thugs with four. It is easier to aim than the (semi-auto) "pistols", though it is 6-shots vs. 16, and a tad slower to reload. Great gun noise too.
EDITED: 9 Jan 2018 17:16 by DSMITHHFX
From: graphitone10 Jan 2018 11:04
Is the gold standard the best of all the weapon categories?

In DIR, is that diamond crafting thing still in place, I never got to grips with that in the first game.

I haven't played Riptide much, I think I've only just got off the boat you're ensconced upon right at the beginning. :C