Modern Day Witchcraft?

From: fixrman22 Feb 2015 03:57
To: Al JunioR (53NORTH) 8 of 20
I know sweetness.  :-P I am a pilot. Not rotary, but video of a SEL would be the same.

I love your spelling - draught. Here, many people would pronounce it "drawt" because they don't know the word. I spell it draught rather than the customary "draft" here just to piss other Americans off.  (angel) But you figured that. 
EDITED: 22 Feb 2015 04:00 by FIXRMAN
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)22 Feb 2015 09:36
To: fixrman 9 of 20
Over here, 'draft' and 'draught' have different meanings. Although that may be a US influence:

draught beer
draft (a) document. I think that may originally have been 'draught' too, but Word watermarks may have fucked it up.
From: koswix22 Feb 2015 12:54
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 10 of 20
 Although that may be a US influence

Apparently it deviated from "draught" in the 17th Century. Had we invented America by then?

draft noun 1 a written plan; a preliminary sketch. 2 a written order requesting a bank to pay out money, especially to another bank. 3 a group of people drafted. 4 especially US conscription. verb(drafteddrafting1 to set something out in preliminary sketchy form. 2 to select and send off (personnel) to perform a specific task. 3 especially US to conscript. 
ETYMOLOGY: 17c: a form of draught

draught noun 1 a current of air, especially indoors. 2 a quantity of liquid swallowed in one go. 3the amount of water required to float a ship. 4 any of the discs used in the game of draughts. Also called draughtsman5 colloq draught beer. 6 the act of pulling or drawing. 7 a dose of liquid medicine. adj 1 said of beer: pumped direct from the cask to the glass. 2 said of an animal:especially in compounds used for pulling loads. on draught said of beer: stored in casks from which it is served direct. 
ETYMOLOGY: Anglo-Saxon draht, from dragan to draw. 
EDITED: 22 Feb 2015 12:54 by KOSWIX
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)22 Feb 2015 13:01
To: koswix 11 of 20
Yes, the pilgrims invented it in the early 17c.
From: graphitone22 Feb 2015 17:22
To: koswix 12 of 20
We used to have a costs draughtsman at work. So, instead of working on drafting claim forms all day, he should've been playing draughts. It would have gone down well with him.
Message 41401.13 was deleted
From: fixrman23 Feb 2015 02:57
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 14 of 20
If wee were in a Free House, I could say, "My, it is draughty in here!" and possibly be right on both counts. Especially if me billfold is out.  :-P
From: fixrman23 Feb 2015 03:11
To: koswix 15 of 20
Had we invented America by then?

Somes ran away because of your nasty bishops, vicars and priests what tried to play with our young boys' pee-pees and oppress us. Cheeky monkeys, the lot of you!

We farted in your general direction as we left. We ended up buying tea at a better price direct from India. Columbus was an idiot.

Etymology of flagon, if you please.  :-)
From: fixrman23 Feb 2015 03:14
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 16 of 20
When you and I rule the World, our first bit of enforcement should be to beat about the face, breast,chest neck and head those who use draft for draught.

That isn't extremist, is it?
From: fixrman23 Feb 2015 03:15
To: Al JunioR (53NORTH) 17 of 20
Do they, perchance, call you Jesse now?
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From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)23 Feb 2015 22:36
To: koswix 19 of 20
Now that is some interesting shot right there.
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