Black Friday

From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 5 Dec 2014 14:11
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 28 of 29
HA, shit! Not sure why I found this so funny.

I had to stay home this year.  Did I do a Black Friday thread one year with pictures and stuff?  I think I did and now I have to go look for it!

*Found it!  I went looking for the G+ posts as well but they must be buried or boring.
EDITED: 5 Dec 2014 14:30 by SHIELDSIT
From: DeannaG (CYBATRON) 8 Dec 2014 12:34
To: ANT_THOMAS 29 of 29
Somebody in the crowd tripped her and she hit the floor, face first. Didn't even have a chance to catch herself, and her and her husband didn't even get to see who did it. Damn shame she's a real sweety.

I'm telling you, some people's kids just don't know how to act in public. No matter how old they are it seems.  (fail)
EDITED: 8 Dec 2014 12:37 by CYBATRON